Led street light company will be closed?

Led street light company will be closed?Handsome bright metal products plant into the enterprise of Foshan appear first collapse of the LED. November 10, the reporter came to the industrial zone of handsome bright where the East Village. LED high bay,In a wasteland, a few rows of two, three-story plant constitutes a small industrial zone. Most of the factory area of ​​only a few hundred square meters. led street light company.  A handsome bright internal staff revealed that the main production before the handsome bright traditional lamps, around July and August of this year, the boss to get a LED orders, began to LED “transition”, but then reduced orders, there has been a later scene.

June and July of this enterprise is still the production of traditional lamps August to make a transition to the LED, this is ridiculous! The collapse of handsome bright, Akinobu chairman Julia Leung, bluntly that “unbelievable”!

“A product R & D alone will need a year and a half, how could one month will be able to transition?” ! Julia Leung said. Julia Leung, where the Akinobu Foshan well-known large-scale LED one. led street light company. Only a destructive test on the road bulb in the water a month, to reach non-permeable, immortal is not broken can not afford to get on the road loaded on the transition between one month to the LED industry,  led street light company. how likely? Julia Leung said that in 2006 began to consider the transformation of research initiated in October 2007 of the LED industry, Technology; a model project in the beginning of 2009 until 2010 in full swing production.

Closure of surging undercurrent

Handsome bright “transformation” of the failure by no means isolated cases.

Shenzhen lot of LED companies from the electronics companies turn to see the LED making money, and everyone ran to swarm.  led street light company. They do not speak quality, core technologies, such enterprises do not pour strange! November 9, Shenzhen Hao Jing Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. is responsible for Mr Luk told reporters.

Promotion Association Honorary President Wang Dian-fu for the first time revealed, according to his survey, this year, Shenzhen, more than 80 LED business bankruptcy or winding-up.

The same situation occurred in Dongguan, Zhongshan. “In Dongguan, we also encountered a similar situation two months is still with you in the before some companies, but after two months have already gone”, led street light company. said Hao Jing Lighting Technology Co., Ltd., another person in charge of Mr. Shaw.