LED road lighting industry, to stick or to go out


LED road lighting industry, to stick or to go out


With the industry continuously evolves, the LED road lighting industry broke into the lighting market, “veteran” status to the how to hold? “Innovator’s dilemma”, Clayton Christensen mentioned, there are two Business Innovation, the sense of continuous innovation (sustaining innovation), and breakthrough innovation (disruptive innovation). Christensen believes that the corporate value system changes “that people used to evaluate the product standards change, this change did not predict competitors will fail. LED under the impact of the change the face of this “value system”, the lighting veteran in innovation to make a choice?


Xu Qinghui, the famous lighting designer, lighting design director of Guangzhou Copper, a long history, the LED road lighting industry can only be considered a new light, and not greater than when fluorescent lamps, metal halide revolution. However, the microscopic point of view, the change of depth, breadth, much quicker pace than the previous light. Therefore, the traditional lighting companies, long term persistent changes in the short term, breakthrough innovation and change. From the practical operation of the perspective, this is a breakthrough innovation, the difficulty is not small, unique research and development of traditional lighting companies, markets, procurement, quality inspection team are not qualified for this new task, and even the original sales pipeline system may have overwhelming need to add a lot of resources, even the direct use of the capital means to carry out mergers and acquisitions, cooperation.


LED situation, the traditional lighting companies need breakthrough innovative, but not every traditional lighting companies need to build up a huge LED high bay lighting R and D team, on the one hand, no need to repeat someone else’s crooked road.