led light prices in 2013

From the large side, LED bulbs necrosis of the reasons is nothing less than the following two:
First, the leakage current of the LED is too large resulting in failure of the PN junction, the LED light does not shine, this case will not affect the work of other LED lights;
Second, the internal connection to the LED lamp lead is disconnected, causing the LED current through the dead light, this situation will affect the normal work of other LED lights, is due to the low operating voltage of the led light prices (red, yellow, orange LED operating voltage 1.8V-2.2V, blue, green and white LED Operating Voltage 2.8-3.2V), are generally required in series or parallel connection, to adapt to different working voltage, the more the greater the impact of the series of LED lights, which has an LED lights internal wiring open circuit, will result in the series circuit of a whole string of LED does not light, this case can be seen to be more serious than the first case. The dead LED lights that affect product quality, reliability of the key, how to reduce and eliminate the dead lights, improve product quality and reliability, packaging, application companies need to address the key issues. The following are some of the reasons for dead lights Some analysts explore. Next on the detailed interpretation:


led light prices in 2013

Electrostatic damage to the LED chip, led light prices chip of the PN junction failure, leakage current increases, becomes a resistor electrostatic hazards greatly around the world because countless electrostatic damage electronic components, resulting in tens of millions of dollars economic losses. To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, the electronics industry is a very important work, the LED package enterprise applications do not take it lightly. A part of any problems, will cause damage to the led light prices , the LED performance deterioration or even failure. We know that the human body static electricity (ESD) can reach about 3 kV, enough damage to the LED chip breakdown in LED packaging production line, the grounding resistance meets the requirements of various types of equipment, which is very important, general requirements for the grounding resistance ohms, even some high occasions the grounding resistance ≤ 2 ohms. These requirements are familiar to the people of the electronics industry, the key is in the actual implementation is in place, whether recorded. It is understood that a general private enterprises, anti-static measures has not been in place, this is the most businesses can not find out the grounding resistance test records, even if the ground resistance testing once a year or a few years time, or there is a problem check the grounding resistance, not knowing that the testing of ground resistance This is a very important work, at least four times a year (quarterly test), some of the requirements of a high place, a month will have to use a grounding resistance test. Soil resistivity changes with the seasons, spring and summer days of rain, the soil wet ground resistance is easier to achieve, autumn and winter dry soil moisture, grounding resistance is likely to exceed the specified value, the record in order to preserve the original information, do to future well documented. In line with the ISO2000 quality control system.