LED industry development still needs strengthening

At present, the scale of the Zhongshan LED industry is very small, but the general equipment is still relatively backward. A large majority of the enterprises are difficult to create the products which will meet high-end scientific research. The scale of the enterprises is generally small and the leading enterprises are less. Most of LED tube enterprises produce mainly decorative lamps. There
is some discrepancy on the pursuit of high-power, high light efficiency for lighting technology.

On 20th, many domestic experts and scholars gathered inXiaolanTown, find advice and ideas for the development of the Zhongshan LED industry. Enterprises today should focus on scientific research and support the construction, in order to avoid blind expansion of production. The vice director Ren Yuan of China illumination Engineering Society, the lighting of Standards and Technology Committee said that high-end technology is what we should master at present.

LED industry development still needs strengthening02 LED industry development still needs strengthening

District Bingwen of Zhongshan City Lighting Electric Association, said that Zhongshan is to apply the advantages of the LED industry and packaging, rather than research and development, so the focus is on the former two, and there is no need to put too much effort in research and development . Another expert believes that the introduction of high-tech talent is the key to this new light industry whether progress has been made. These technical person are a light background or a better understanding of the source material.

The largest LED lights market is bulit in Xiao Lan

With more and more lighting filed is replaced by LED, Many towns are planning to move into this new energy market. Xiao lan have invested a great deal of money in the LED field last year and”3.28″ during this year it will launch a set of transactions, display, design which is one of the intensive Trade City Project—LED Jiuzhou City, China. Zhongshan Jiuzhou Optical Valley Business Development Co., Ltd., general manager, Zhang Liqiang said: the LED China Jiuzhou which is planning to work on will become the largest LED market.