High quality LED Flood Lights could be Elle

Elle is a worldwide magazine of French origin that focuses on women’s fashion, beauty, health, and entertainment. Elle is also the world’s largest fashion magazine. It was founded by Pierre Lazareff and his wife Hélène Gordon in 1945. The title, in French, means “she”. Elle was founded in France in 1945. In the 1960s it was considered to “not so much reflect fashion as decree it”, with 800,000 loyal readers and a then famous slogan : “Si elle lit elle lit Elle (If she reads, she reads Elle)”. In 1981, Daniel Filipacchi and Jean-Luc Lagardère purchased Hachette magazines, which included the then-struggling
Elle. Elle was then launched in the U.S. (News Corporation owned a stake in the US edition until 1988), followed by 25 foreign editions.

It is now the world’s largest fashion magazine, with 42 international editions in over 60 countries. Technologically speaking, the Elle brand is a global network encompassing over 20 websites. Subscriptions account for 73 percent of readers. With the remaining 27 percent purchasing single issues, Elle is the only fashion magazine to have increased its newsstand sales in the past five years, most notably with an 18 percent increase in the first half of 2006. There are 27 Elle websites globally, which collectively attract over 1 million visitors and 26 million page views per month Elle reaches over 4.8 million readers. The vast majority (82 percent) of Elle’s audience are women between the ages of 18 and 49. Elle readers have a median age of 34.7 years. Forty percent of readers are single, and the median household income is $69,973. “Our readers are young enough to think about life as an adventure and old enough to have the means to live it,” said Robbie Myers, editor in chief. Elle owes its graphic signature to Art director Peter Knapp.

For the young people, everybody want to be fashion, but how? Just read the books like <Elle>? <Elle> is a good magazine, but if we really want to be fashion, we should use High quality LED Flood Lights. In the new year, the new concept of saving energy and green power should be more and more fashion, in the past days, if we use energy saving lamps, we would feel ourselves fashion, but now, it’s better to use High quality LED Flood Lights, because they are much better in energy saving. But, one more thing, please only use High quality LED Flood Lights, the low quality LED Lights would be a disaster for you.