Exports of lighting products should comply with the target market standards

China is a global lighting fixtures production and consumption country in which  energy-saving lamps (led lights), incandescent production rank the first in the world. Under the stimulation and encouragement of government policies, the Chinese lighting industry has been booming. At the same time, the Chinese lighting industry have been expanding, the size and number of domestic lighting enterprises also simultaneously expand, and has attracted many foreign giants to enter.

Exports of lighting products should comply with the target market standards

Simultaneously, faced withe the global wave of energy saving and environmental protection can be achieved “green” LED lighting fixtures began to rise, showing the trends of rapid growth in China’s lighting products market. This has attracted more and more foreign enterprises tentacles into the business, and actively layout of the Chinese market, especially in the LED lighting market to get the next leadership opportunity.

It is no doubt that China’s lighting products market is undergoing rapid development. Flowing into the China market, the foreign enterprises must understand the local situation from the policy level and market level, producing for Chinese consumers need.

On the other hand, China is also a lighting products exporting countries, 70% of domestic production for export, in which North American and European markets. These two regional market requirements on product quality and usually require CSA, UL, CE and RoHS certification. With rising energy prices and concern for environmental issues, corporate and household lighting energy efficiency requirements have become more sophisticated, and thus more biased in favor of select energy-efficient, low-power products.  In this regard, the foreign market-related government has such projects, such as energy efficiency requirements of the product the higher the Energy Star program.

As foreign enterprises enter the Chinese, they need to comply with the policy of the Chinese market, domestic enterprises need to know the policy and market requirements of foreign market, while expand the North American and European markets. Take North American as an example, they usually need a reliable third-party testing and certification organization such as CSA Group. To test the product structure, quality and safety features to ensure that these aspects are in line with the requirements of relevant standards. Certified products can affix the certification mark by a third party testing and certification organizations.