Exhibitors are not joining in for fun, led industry exhibition have more doorways

One, choose the exhibition : for enterprises, to choose the exhibition is very important, every year around the world, there are held numerous LED exhibition and all are not suitable for every LED lights enterprises, enterprises need according to the exhibition theme, character, regional consumption characteristics and visitor groups to choose the exhibition. For example, LED upstream nature of the show, LED industry downstream enterprises is not suitable for participation; and the type of foreign trade development of China’s domestic market and there is no plan LED enterprises are not suitable for participation in the Mainland Small exhibitions.

Exhibitors are not joining in for fun, led industry exhibition have more doorways

Two, select booth: Exhibition Hall location choice for participating enterprises also appears very important. First of all, the entire exhibition person flow is different, enterprise needs to choose a large flow of people; in fact, the quality of the participating enterprises booth around is also very important, if periphery is large LED industry companies, it will be attracted a large number of visitors, and it can drive around person flow, it also can be enhanced to some extent the whole image of enterprise.

Three, exhibition hall design: The design of the pavilion is a negligible factor, because it is the first impression that will attract customers came to visit, but not because the bigger, exhibition hall is,  the better, it will be. Companies need a reasonable choice of the size of the booth according to their actual situation. At the show site, many pavilions shouted in appearance, coming and going, the design of the pavilion can provide as much as possible to see the products and to give guests a comfortable visit just like the urge to go in and have a look, including the appearance of the pavilion is novel, which can provide the design of the environment; the inside design of pavilion can decide the length of time that visitors stay in the exhibition.

Four, Basic information: Exhibitor information need to prepare complete and sufficient, including sales staff business cards, product catalogs, led street light company Profile, bags, gifts and so on. The preparation of these things is not possible, for example, do the high-end market, hungry-issuance of materials is quite reasonable.