Did Subprime mortgage crisis affect the LED lighting industry?

The sub-prime mortgage crisis did not affect the LED lighting industry, as the global LED lighting industry is still fledgling. Various LED lighting technologies still do not enter mass production stage. LED light source is also working to improve the luminous brightness and precision constant current LED driver IC is also working to improve and expand the range of input voltage. LED lighting system design is still trying to solve the heat and light efficiency. The Chinese government is promoting the “Ten City, ten thousand LED lights plan, which is bound to lead to the development of the entire LED lighting industry chain in China. The Chinese LED lighting industry technology are going to the world peak, creating a large number of LED lighting industry chain enterprises to expand employment , which is conducive to China’s electronics industry with the financial crisis.

Did Subprime mortgage crisis affect the LED lighting industry?

The steady annual growth needs for the mass market and a steady annual growth of LED green lighting will set off yet another feast.

Chinese LED market development path

China will be an important production base of LED lighting products in the world. China is a vast country with a large population, but also the world’s largest LED lamps consumer market. Take a look at the CR PowTech PT4115 Model LED low voltage driver IC, this year, the monthly sales in April this year is 5 to 8 times than in the month of February. The other LED driver IC sales grow significantly at the same time.

LED lighting industry is basically follow the rule that foreign country first, and then domestic,  government first and then our people, company first and then personal, outdoor first and then indoor. On the Abroad, they lay great emphasis on outdoor public lighting energy conservation, the world and regional government is also actively promoting LED lights, such as Los Angeles also plans to set within five years 140,000 LED street lamps, Taiwan. China announced the 1.28 million LED street light replacement within three years.

Topology institutions predict that with the Governments policy support, this year’s global demand for LED streetlights doubled to 2.5 million, the annual growth rate of up to 178%. Under the Chinese Mainland “Ten thousand ten cities” policy driven, the LED street lamp market this year will rise to 1.4 million .