Cross-border mergers and acquisitions of the led lights usher the best time

Integration is power, while mergers and acquisition the led lights are undoubtedly an effective way of integration of resources. Under the today’s economic globalization, corss-border mergers and acquistions are rapid accumulation of capital, resources. It is an important means of market expansion. On the eve of the era of LED lighting, by merging and acquisitions to enlarge the LED High Bay lighting market, which has been the consensus of the lighting professionals. International environment Chinese enterprises participated in cross-border mergers and acquisitions had pasted two decades. From  1992 to 2000, the peak of the first foreign investment began the second wave of the peak since 2000. Since China joined the WTO, Chinese enterprises to invest overseas. The first stage is a trial, mergers and acquisitions is quite small. The second phase of M & A peak after another, Chinese companies realized that only integration into the world economic system which can have a stronger ability to survive. The fist business that China export is Lenovo, TCL as the representative of consumer electronics and household electrical applicance enterprises. Followed by is the automotive industry and the financial sector started in 2006 and 2007, which is eye-catching. At the same time, oil, mining and other resource companies, also become a wave of Chinese forces in the international M&A market. But in the new round of mergers and acquisitions boom of the led lights, the scope of the object of  China mergers and acquisitions has greatly expanded, more open vision. Engineering machinery, automobiles, consumer goods, and even the luxury goods sector, are constantly heard the news of mergers and acquisitions by Chinese companies. Beginning with 201o, the lighting industry is also emerging in the list fo overseas acquisitions. NVC lighting, solar lighting, BDO Runda lighting and so on has embarked on a journey of the cross-border takeovers. In 2002, China’s mergers and acquisitions in the led lights and LED Products are only$ 200 million, in 2003, which reached to $ 834 million, an increase of more than four times, showing a rapid increase in momentum. In 2004, only Lenovo acquired IBM’s personal business amount of $ 1.75 billion. According to the estimates of the global consulting firm in Las Beckham, in  2004, China’s enterprises overseas mergers and acquisitions amounted to $ 7,000,000,000. According to Commerce Department Statistics, in 2011, China’s domestic investors were non-financial overseas direct investment aiming at 132 countries and regions around the world 3391 foreign enterprises. In terms of scale or volume terms, overseas mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises grow steadily.