Bright LED lighting in Asia entered a golden period of development

Several Asian countries as early as in 3 to 4 years ago to LED Lights industry development and product promotion strategy, such as Japan’s twenty-first Century lighting plan”, Korean “solid state lighting plan”, Taiwan “New Century Lighting Development Plan” in China, the “semiconductor”, the” semiconductor lighting products application demonstration project” plan, these countries level of semiconductor lighting planning reflects the LED lighting industry development, industry economy and environment energy efficiency value. The countries are actively promoting the LED lighting plan, LED bulbs will be listed as priority lead-in lighting products; LED road lamp switch is also like a raging fire, and they estimated that in 2013 global bright led lighting product permeability will further enhance the nearly 2 percent.

Bright LED lighting in Asia entered a golden period of development

In 2010 China’s LED industry total production value achieves 120 million, amount to more than 4000 enterprises, over the past 5 years the average growth rate of 35%, more than 4000 enterprises, over the past 5 years the average growth rate of 35%, more than 35%, more than 2010 40%. Within in the next 5 years the market size will reach 500 million yuan. Application of LED products space wide, from lighting to ordinary furniture, lighting, and then to the city landscape lighting engineering, lighting, decorative lighting and other fields, the market potential is tremendous. Nearly 10 years of LED cost every year in the fall of 2015, the price of product LED has the potential to reduce to 1/5 in 2010, when the general lighting market penetration rate will rise to 50% in 2012, with more than 75% LED lighting market share.

LED lighting industry in Asia entered a golden period of  development, a positive attitude in all enterprises for the bright led lighting is constantly inject new elements and more intense competition. The traditional lighting companies actively develop the LED lighting product line, to actively develop the LED lighting product line, to the semiconductor manufacturing enterprises as the main business focus on the LED lighting to enhance the quality, the great potential of the emerging industry to stimulate a large number of rising star, its fast catching up with the pace of the first enterprises can not lax. Under the constraints of a variety of factors, Asia bright led lighting industry inevitably go through a period of chaotic competition period.