Zhuhai Avenues are using whole sections of LED street light bulb

Zhuhai Avenues are using whole sections of LED street light bulbThe end of last year, the opening of the Zhuhai Avenue, a project, the road of the city of Zhuhai City, the first full section of the LED energy saving lamps, the tracking and detection of the Zhuhai traffic in recent shows, these LED street lamp energy saving effect is obvious, led street light bulb, compared to the old street lamp energy consumption decreased by 70% and more per lamp per year can save electricity equivalent to 0.48 tons of coal. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the provinces and cities, the city new construction, led high bay alterations must be in the street light project using LED lamps, the end of the year for the completion of the 30,000 street reconstruction, Zhuhai Avenue street reconstruction has made a successful attempt.

Zhuhai Avenue main road and a project on both sides of the road were installed 850 LED energy-saving lamps, the recent Zhuhai Transportation Group staff through professional instruments at night, led street light bulb, the detection of main road lighting and energy saving.The test results of the analysis show that the main road street lights in the illumination uniformity to meet the design requirements. Traffic Group, told reporters before the Chief Engineer, Room Lei Sheng, compared to Zhuhai Avenue, before the transformation of the high pressure sodium lamps, LED lamps in the lighting has a great advantage. “Only 196 watts of LED lights, the brightness is equivalent to the old street lamps ‘400 watt ‘of sodium; high pressure sodium maximum life span of only 10,000 hours to the daily lighting 12 hours count, led street light bulb, use of time for only two years, LED lights can 5-year warranty; and high pressure sodium lighting capacity decay for more than 20 percent a year, basically half, two years after the street lights will be very very dim LED light attenuation by less than 8% annually. power by reserving the power or an annual increase pointcurrent and other methods, the basic five years to ensure the street lamp brightness constant.