Win the pearl river delta is the final goal for LED floodlight manufacturers


Win the pearl river delta is the final goal for LED floodlight manufacturers


With the acceleration of the urbanization process in China, low-carbon economy, green concept deeply rooted among the semiconductor lighting industry has grown the past two years has become a popular industry in the listed company in Guangdong, Guangdong has also emerged as the domestic LED floodlight manufacturers one of the most developed areas. In the dual context of policy support and market demand, Guangdong LED industry has shown explosive growth.


View from industry, regional development, Guangdong LED industry is most concentrated in Shenzhen City, Guangzhou, followed by other more concentrated area, including Zhuhai, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Huizhou. Among them, the LED floodlight manufacturers in Shenzhen City, strong R & D capabilities to become solar LED lighting the world’s largest production and supply base, LED backlight major global production and supply base, the largest LED display manufacturing and supply base, LED packaging and LED lighting the lighting of the major production regions. LED enterprises in Guangzhou City, a small number, but a high concentration, driving ability, in the high-end level in the domestic LED high bay lighting industry, the innovative capacity and potential for sustainable development.


Wang Dian-fu, president of Shenzhen LED Industry Association, pointed out that the LED industry in Guangdong Province showing the full flowering of the potential, has formed a complete industrial chain and supporting the early cluster effect. More and more enterprises, especially to master the core technology of the upstream chip giant, have settled in Guangdong. Upstream chip giant settled, and further stimulate the development of supporting industries in the middle and lower reaches.