Guangdong becomes LED high intensity lighting developed area


Guangdong becomes LED high intensity lighting developed area


The past two years, the average growth rate of Guangdong LED industry output more than 40 percent in 2010, the province’s LED industry output value of 85.3 billion yuan, nearly 3000 enterprises, the scale of the industry accounts for about 50 percent of the country’s output value and size are among the first in the country. The 2011 Guangdong Province LED industry reached 150 billion yuan output value and the scale continues to rank first in the country. Expected by the end of 2012, the LED high intensity lighting industry in Guangdong Province is expected to be over 300 billion yuan of output value in emerging industry clusters.


Faced with the blowout of the international and domestic, domestic and foreign investment merger integration of upstream and downstream enterprises to accelerate the process, the traditional lighting companies, state-owned capital, private capital swarmed off the LED high bay investment boom.


The past two years, Guangdong has a number of LED Concepts successfully knocked on the door to capital markets listed in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the country star power, Hongli Opto-electronic ground on the optical, optoelectronic Lehman, Ruifeng power, Chau Ming technology, but also coming soon to a small board of Zhongshan mulinsen. Traditional lighting companies listed companies involved in the LED high intensity lighting industry, the company Foshan Lighting, Fanta, snow Wright; halfway reached the LED Guangdong ganhua BDO Runda, Konka A, Han’s Laser, or backdoor. or mergers and acquisitions, or to increase their investment in various ways to enter the LED industry. There are dozens of LED companies have completed shareholding transformation, but also ambitious to wait for an opportunity to enter the capital market.