Government reduce the state-subsidized price of LED recessed downlights to half



Another month or two, the public is expected to buy LED recessed downlights by the state financial subsidies. This reporter has learned, national semiconductor lighting products in 2012, financial subsidies to promote the project “bidding results will soon be announced, Xiamen Topstar, Donglin enterprises to participate in the tender, if the successful tender will be expected to be priced 30 percent of the financial subsidies, while the public will benefit.

It is understood that the tender attracted a total of 110 enterprises across the country participate in the bidding, which is the Ministry of Finance for the first time for LED products to promote subsidies. The announcement shows that the companies must participate in the bidding with independent legal personality, registered capital of not less than 50 million yuan.


The tender consists of indoor lighting products (LED recessed downlights, reflective self-ballasted LED lights), and outdoor lighting products (LED high bay lights, LED tunnel lights), a total of four categories. Unlike direct subsidies to consumers of home appliances, automobile and other industries, the promotion of efficient lighting products, taken first by the Financial subsidies to successful enterprises, and companies cut prices to sell to consumers. Among them, the financial amount of subsidies for 30% of the price.


Jia Qiang, president of Xiamen Firefly Group (the participation on behalf of the tender is still “Donglin”) that participate in the bidding enterprise is the ex-factory price of the tender, which means that if these LED lamps are direct market, the price is very likely only half of the market retail price.