The new concept in LED studio lighting manufacture


The new concept in LED studio lighting manufacture


Exist near industries and enterprises, they shut down cannot be called a closure can only be called to shut down or closed, they enter the industry itself in this industry is not much to understand, just to follow the trend of the booing, fish in troubled waters, but their exist not only bring harm to our industry, but also bring some of the benefits, no matter they follow the trend of booing, or to fish in troubled waters so that consumers know the led high bay, and understanding of LED studio lighting products, they play a certain role in the promotion, even if they do the cheapest, most rubbish LED studio lighting products, but also to let the market know that such a product, because their existence, so that consumers have a certain degree of discrimination, as our domestic industries and enterprises not only in the copy of the international plant technology, also for exploiting the boundary. Most of our industry professionals do not realize this, of course, cannot use this fact to marketing himself; The saddest thing is not good use of it, able to hold line, the worst cannot insist on its own, own chaos a square inch, what fell to the speculators, the same level, to make themselves popular with their owners, one of which is the industry in Qiu howling.


How to go to marketing? I think most business owners would surely be I say good no less than 100 times, their ideas certainly more than 1,000 times, but how they do it? These business owners said and done very inconsistent, the words will stay in the mouth, the line stays in the back of the head, the words and deeds are inconsistent, how to command their own business?