Find led floor lighting on Alibaba?

Find led floor lighting on Alibaba

Alibaba, China’s largest Internet companies and the world’s second-largest Internet companies in 1999 by Ma handedly created the business to business online trading market platform. May 2003 to invest one hundred million yuan to establish personal online trading market platform – Taobao. In October 2004, the investment in Alibaba was established to pay the company to launch intermediary-based secure transaction services for the Chinese e-commerce market. Alibaba set up a company headquarters in Hong Kong, set up China headquarters in Hangzhou, China, and the establishment of the branches of the U.S. Silicon Valley, London and other overseas joint venture of three established in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Shandong, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong and other regions branches, offices in more than a dozen.

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Alibaba is the famous brand of global business (B2B) e-commerce, is the world’s largest online marketplace and business communication community. Alibaba was founded in late 1998 and headquartered in Hangzhou, the U.S. Silicon Valley, London and set up overseas branches. Alibaba is the famous brand of global business (B2B) e-commerce, is the world’s largest online trading market. Good positioning, solid structure, excellent service and Alibaba to become the world’s first with 2.11 million merchant e-commerce site, the preferred site for the promotion of global business network, business people as the most popular B2B website. Outstanding results Alibaba concern by people from all walks of life. S first WTO Director-General Sutherland as Ali Baba consultant, the U.S. Commerce Department, Japan Ministry of Economy, the European SME Federation governmental and private institutions are recommended to local enterprises Alibaba.
Alibaba two Harvard Business School, selected as the MBA case, set off in the U.S. academic research boom, four by the authority of the U.S. financial magazine “Forbes” selected as one of the world’s best B2B site, related agencies, assessment excellent site for the world’s most popular B2B website, the Chinese business class, 100 Excellent site, best trade network in China, domestic and foreign media, Silicon Valley and foreign venture capitalists as the and Zgsyw, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, AOL, par six Internet business schools on behalf of one.
Founder of Alibaba CEO Jack Ma, the famous “World Economic Forum selected as the” future leaders “selected as” Business Leader “by the U.S. Asian Business Association, is the first in 50 years to become the” Forbes “Cover Chinese entrepreneurs, and has been invited to the world’s leading institutions of higher education MIT, Wharton School, Harvard University to give lectures.