The first chapter: LED and OLED lighting: only in the necessary places to use the necessary amount of affordable lighting

With the energy-saving development to replace incandescent bulbs and fluorescent lighting, LED lights, OLED the popularity of the shape of freedom increasingly been looking forward to. Only the necessary amount of LEDs used where necessary, the use of OLED all face directly luminescence, etc., and a variety of usage increasing possibility.

The first chapter: LED and OLED lighting: only in the necessary places to use the necessary amount of affordable lighting

Starting from the energy point of view, the use and production of incandescent bulbs as lighting the main is less and less. In Japan, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy has asked industry to stop production and sale of incandescent light bulbs by 2012, major companies have to comply with this requirement.

As an alternative light source, LED(Light Emitting Diode: LED) technology achieve rapid development. High luminescence efficiency, LED flood lights as “a new generation of lighting” has become the trump card of the energy-saving from the high cost of active use. With prices constantly going down, the LED will no doubt become a mainstream light source in the future.

Not only in Japan, the development of the affordable lighting in the world is also accelerating. The Case of Korea, the country is carried out in 2015, LED lighting accounts for 30% of the lighting plan. The United States and China and other countries are also promoting LED lighting investment.

As the next stage in the same state of the style LED lighting to replace the trend of the straight fluorescent lamps. Most lighting companies are currently in development and sales for the substitution of straight-tube fluorescent products.

LED lighting is for the purpose of energy saving at the same time, LED of affordable lighting can also have the effect which is not limited to substitute the original source. Bears the potential of the life and work of human change and lighting to get along the way.

This is mainly because that the use of LED street lights can achieve a high degree of freedom of lighting dimming and color.

For example, LED lighting is theoretically capable of fluorescent difficult to achieve the range of 0-100% dimming. Although fluorescent lamps can support the dimming of the products, yet it can not control the type from 0%. Moreover,  the light will shorten the luminescence life time as the existence of a low amount.