LED power relates to the quality of LED High Bay Light

LED power supply LED High Bay Light is one of the core components, LED power supply technically belong to the traditional electronics industry, China’s electronics industry already has a strong manufacturing capabilities. But the rise of the industry did not take long, the price war has begun, especially small power fields. Small power LED power prices have been very transparent, high power LED power is still in profit highlands, one reason is the relatively high technical threshold, large capital investment. Another reason is that high-power LED power supply is mainly used in street lights, tunnel lights, the current government of these lamps is mainly used for demonstration projects. LED lamp manufacturers in order to demonstrate a good effect, using the best parts, resulting in a power plant manufacturers to put forward higher requirements, but also raise the cost.

How to chose LED High Bay Light
How to chose LED High Bay Light

So many businesses in pursuit of profit, choose not normal factory produced LED power supply, LED High Bay Light led quality greatly affected.

I know that some of the LED High Bay Light power quality is very unstable, ten of which will be a period of time after twelve flicker phenomenon. LED power threshold is certainly not high, but not easy to do, to do good research, good incoming materials and production is good, sometimes the sample is no problem, but the large bulk of the problems that may arise later. According to incomplete statistics, today’s LED High Bay Light failure arising from supply about 80%, over last few years LED lighting products, packaging technology continues to improve and cooling technology continues to evolve, the stability of the light source has reached a good level, direct necrosis situation has very little power is relatively more serious problems to a problem is the direct or dead lights flashing, but there is a relatively high frequency.

LED High Bay Light LED High Bay Light power directly affect the quality of life, and, therefore, LED power supply is essential. ENLETEC mining lamp with professional power, a three-year warranty period, so you buy the rest assured that with the peace of mind.

LED street lamp design difficulties

Many enterprises are more favor of application of LED street lamp, but there are some problems in the structure design, lighting and creative, design, which caused confusion for the owners of the use and selection LED street lamp. This article discusses the five existing LED lamp structure and design problems and proposes corresponding solutions, the following main problems existing in the current market, a single LED lamp:

LED street lamp design difficulties
LED street lamp design difficulties

First, bring the maintenance difficulty overall design. The overall design refers to the light source lamp cavity that cannot be designed as a whole, so it cannot be maintained, or the light source cavity and a power supply chamber is designed as a whole, so it also can not be maintained. The practice in recent years shows that LED street lamp can not do without maintenance. The integral lamp is impossible to maintain, the general road after failure in the elevated, the car couldn’t finish the maintenance task, the whole lamp should change back to the manufacturer for repair. This will force both manufacturers and service providers changing the role from a manufacturer, but it needs to pay a heavy price.

Second, sharp edges and corners of the naked cooling block, so it does not meet safety standards for lamps. Sharp edges and corners is a lamp body of some metal parts that appear many sharp corners. The sharp corners of the existence of at least three cons. First, it is difficult to protect processing and handling process, because it is easy to curl. Second, surface treatment, either electro-plating or spray, the work piece itself must be charged, and prone to “in the corner Judian” phenomenon, or cause the damage, or cause the coating (plating) too thick. Third, it easily hurt workers, some manufactures’ corners of lamps are too sharp, so it is often cut assembly workers’ hand, more dangerous is that if workers were scratches on the elevated car, and it may be due to instinct loosen hands, the consequences will be unbearable to contemplate.

Third, material surface treatment (including power supply), erosion can stand long time in harsh environments. The so-called “naked” street lamp is generally radiator directly exposed outside the LED street lamp. Some manufacturers think it is more conducive to heat, but the premise is that lamps must be installed in a relatively clean, free from outside influence of environment conditions, and the lamps in practical application are directly installed in the outdoor, otherwise it may suffer from acid rain, sandstorm, Blizzard, exposure and other harsh environment.

Secondly, the aluminum alloy is smaller, the capability of heat dissipation is superior, so the radiator of LED street lamp are mostly made of aluminum alloy, but the chemical properties of aluminum alloy is very active, easy and acid-base reaction, exposed in the air is also very easy to oxidation. Although after anodic oxidation treatment on the corrosion resistance, which has greatly improved, yet there still can not guarantee the lighting installation oxide film from being destroyed, when the oxide film is damaged, aluminum alloy will be actively show chemical properties. Acid rain is prone to pollution in some relatively large areas, acid water will accumulate in the lights of the certain gap and groove, after raining, the sky looks blue. After the acid water gap or the groove on the volatile corrosion of lamp body, lamp body will affect the appearance, cooling, and more effect on Mechanical properties. In addition, the “naked” type lamps, due to structural characteristics of the radiator, it is easy to accumulate dust and snow itself. The dust cover on the radiator will make cooling performance down, and it greatly reduced aluminum alloy. The snow on the surface look more conducive to heat, but in fact the lamps in the cold weather of the heat is enough, a lot of snow will cause the enormous pressure.

LED street lamp suppliers rank
LED street lamp 

Fourth, rectangular shape design does not meet the requirements of wind resistance. Rectangular shape what is said here refers to the nearly square shape, surface area in each. This plane is much better, when the wind from a plane perpendicular to its plane, that will not blow, the wind differentiation, thereby causing pressure to the lamp and lamp fixing structure. The pressure is not obvious in general, but when the lamp suffers aging and corrosion of long time later, if hitting in the coastal areas of the typhoon, there may be poles tilt or bending or lamp falling risk.

Fifth, the heat island effects caused the high failure rate of LED street lamp. Heat island effect is mainly refers to the city air temperature, which is said that the suburb is high, like a warm island located in rural cooler “marine”, this phenomenon is known as the urban heat island effect. In fact, this phenomenon exists in the LED street lamp radiator, especially when only by natural convection. Cooling process of LED lamp is mostly depends on the radiator and air convection heat transfer, in the exclusion of external wind influence mainly by natural convection. Natural convection is cold air by contact and radiators are raising natural radiator heating, cold air continue to add in, through such constant cycle to heat away. If the radiator is too large, the middle part of the hot air rising after the cold air can not have enough supplement (or near a light source in the heating, the air is relatively hot), this will lead to a decline in the middle part of the heat radiating efficiency, temperature rise, thus form the urban heat Island effect. The urban heat islands of LED aging are higher fault rate than the surrounding LED.

LED street lights advantages compared to the traditional

For road lighting lamps, known as street lighting. LED as light source lighting the road, then known as LED lights. LED street light is composed of many high-power white LED connected together via a hybrid approach. In addition to LED module LED street lamps, but also contains the power supply, optical components and cooling devices.

LED street lamp suppliers rank
LED street lamp suppliers rank

The foundation is intended to illuminate the road for drivers and pedestrians that supply excellent visual conditions, the guidelines they trek to advance transportation power, down nighttime traffic accidents and violations, along with the surrounding environment to help pedestrians to see, the distinction between orientation. Followed by the commencement of the socio-economic level and the continuous advancement of people’s livelihoods, everyone in the night to outdoor recreation, shopping, visits and other activities more and more, also played a distinguished road lighting lucrative livelihoods, economic prosperity, and promoted the role of the city’s image.
In accordance with the concept of lighting, the road can be divided into four categories: automotive-specific road, usually Avenue, Commercial Street and sidewalk. Often speak of the road lighting, represents the vehicle for road lighting. Many of intent on the road lighting, in order to secure a comfortable supply of motor vehicle drivers is the first one of the visual conditions.

LED street lights have a high level of design standards
LED street lights 

Road street lighting was first, then successively presents high-pressure mercury lamp, high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps and metal halide lamps, energy efficient lamps, lamp and LED lights. In the current match seasoned road lights source, HPS lamp light-efficient, often reaching 100 ~ 120lm / W, in the current Chinese road lighting throughout the mall (has about 15 million), the high-pressure sodium occupies more than 60% ratio. In some communities and villages on the road lighting foremost is the electronic energy-saving lamps (CFL), accounting for about 20% of the mall road lighting ratio.
In road lighting, high pressure sodium because of its light efficiency can reach 120lm / W for the dominant position. However, along with the continuous progress of LED luminous efficiency, high pressure sodium lamps exclusive location at stake. Currently in use on the secondary roads 150W LED street below, has demonstrated significant energy advantage.
Direct impact on life expectancy street lighting maintenance costs throughout the journey. Current high pressure sodium lamp life expectancy is usually around 20,000 hours, high pressure sodium lighting road use life expectancy of only about 5000 hours, while the power LED’s life expectancy is usually up to 5 ~ 70,000 hours.

How to distinguish between LED and LCD

In fact, LCD always on, just put on a new layer vest, it becomes a LED. But with LCD and LED is the difference between, LED has a great advantage over LCD.
LCD = Liquid Crystal Display, LCD displays, LCD is structured on two parallel glass sideways placing the liquid crystal, two pieces of glass center has many straight and level of fine wires, or to manipulate the rod through the energized crystal molecular changes direction of the light reflecting occurred screen.

How to distinguish between LED and LCD
LED = Light Emitting Diode, light-emitting diode, is a way to convert electrical energy into visible light, solid-state semiconductor devices, which can be converted directly into electricity to light.
These two English names, explanations, and can be seen: LCD, refers to the liquid crystal display; LED, refers to the selection of LED backlit LCD display. Therefore, a direct comparison between the two is not appropriate, however, Xiao Bian also wrote the title why do compare it? This was extended talk about, LCD primary divided into two categories, one category is selected traditional CCFL backlit LCD display, and the other is an optional LED-backlit LCD monitor. Shopping on the masses, many consumers directly to the first class monitors called LCD, second display called LED.
Two kinds of backlight type, CCFL and LED, are cold-cathode fluorescent tubes and light-emitting diodes, during which of course is LED (light emitting diodes) function is very good, energy saving, environmental protection, small size, high brightness, stylish. CCFL (cold cathode fluorescent tube) will not elaborate, that is to say the people called LCD, LCD TV now use the backlight are now available throughout the LED (light emitting diode).
LED TV, strict sense should be called “LED-backlit LCD TV”, the imaging principle and there is no essential difference between CCFL method, except that the backlight varieties make changes, replaced by a cold cathode fluorescent tube light-emitting diodes, and can not technical innovation is the foundation said.
Therefore, simple speaking, LED, and the difference lies only in the LCD backlight, a liquid crystal panel itself does not require any modification. That both panels are the same, the operating principle of the biggest differences is that some of the backlight.
Conventional LCD TVs (optional CCFL backlight TV) screen brightness deficiency, face painting will be dark, today’s technology, LED TV is definitely an advantage: the screen effect is very good, significantly improved brightness, the screen reflects the enhanced shading, highlighting layering, contrast, bright colors can be useful degree of advancement; addition, the screen will not dim yellow, and energy saving and environmental protection, the screen can be made even more slim.
LED life expectancy is very long, the use of the usual life expectancy is also up to 100,000 hours, if the boot 5 hours per day accounting, a selection of LED backlighting LCD TV can use for nearly 55 years.

The rapid development of LED industry in 2020 will break the 60 billion dollars

According to market research organization estimates, in 2012 the global LED lighting mall planning approximately $ 10.4 billion, compared with 2011 growth of 183%. Primary product prices due to rapid decline (2012 LED bulbs uniform price drop compared to 2011 approximately 29 per cent), femoral artery and need to grow, particularly high compatibility, low prices, more so rapid LED lighting alternative sources to carry out. Followed LED lighting prices continue lower, the number of planned rapid expansion, in 2013 the global LED lighting mall planning to maintain 30% growth can be expected to be ups and downs, in 2020 the global LED lighting production point of $ 65.8 billion.
LED lighting in the future to carry out the main points of shopping malls, still lies in mainland China, Europe, the United States, but also necessary to pay attention to related standards, standards, energy efficiency needs, local protectionism, and so non-tariff trade hampered. The Asian region is currently the world’s premier LED lighting disposal area, but also the use of LED lighting largest area mall share in 2011 reached 40%. Government assistance is being foremost, high economic growth, frequently pushing up the construction activities.

LED products
LED products

In the meantime, Youyi Shopping in Japan to promote the use of LED lighting are most active. 2011 Japanese LED lighting alternative mall planning to reach U.S. $ 952 million, is expected in 2012 to reach 1,203 stores planned millions of dollars.
Optoelectronics Technology based on 1/24 at the “2013 LED skills and future use of forward-looking trends in the use of shopping centers on the individual point of view, the current LED lighting is used in the construction of the primary lighting, outdoor lighting, industrial lighting, hospital lighting, commercial lighting, home lighting , office lighting, etc. In the meantime, the construction of lighting is the use of LED lighting pilot stores until 2010 were once the greatest use of LED lighting shopping malls, with LED lighting penetration rate is the most rapid increase in the use of the field, in 2012 LED lighting construction of shopping malls lighting penetration rate up to 56%, but also because of shopping malls tend to sophisticated, growth resistance has slowed. increase in product categories also indicates that the development of LED products, LED spotlights, LED downlights and so on.
Outdoor lighting is to benefit from the government invented shopping needs, including street lighting, public lighting, etc. femoral artery of LED outdoor lighting mall planning growth. Department of industrial lighting is needed due to industrial high lumen output, making use of LED lighting increases slowly, in 2012 the use of LED lighting in the field of industrial lighting penetration rate of only about 6%.
LED lighting in commercial lighting application, then the function of lighting system from the early and gradually turn-based lighting use, high turnover rate due to commercial lighting, prolonged use, making LED lighting penetration rate increased simultaneously with the mall planning, 2012 LED lighting commercial lighting, shopping malls to reach 15% penetration rate.
Lighting is the world’s largest home shopping application, LED lighting system to illuminate the lamp quickly cut into the shelter malls, an alternative to traditional light bulbs, but the price sensitivity of consumers about the high, so in 2012 at home lighting LED lighting penetration rate of about 13 shopping centers %, have yet to be promoted.
Office lighting to save energy and appeal, LED lighting to replace traditional fluorescent tubes are mainly aspirations cut office lighting market, but LED tube T5 fluorescent tubes is also necessary to face price competition, which in 2012 penetration rate only about 11%, the same as there is still much room for growth.

2015 years LED market in full swing in Europe

“2011-2015 European LED lighting mall statements” that the European rapid LED lighting stores carry, in addition to energy-saving concepts for the European citizens, another important factor is the European high-energy commodity price brings incentives. High electricity prices on LED lighting is an important driving force appropriate to an alternative to the traditional 40-watt incandescent bulb 7 watt LED bulb, for example, if the point of 8 hours per day accounting, month (31 days) after a month can save Beyond 8 kWh (kilowatt hours) of electricity tariff terms of EU-27 accounted for, on behalf of an LED light bulb on electricity bills per month than traditional incandescent save about $ 2.

2015 years LED market in full swing in Europe
2015 years LED market in full swing in Europe

Looking ahead, there are about LED commercial lighting appropriately high to wait. Wave of anti-nuclear countries to follow progress in the future there will be no decline in national tariff space, making energy demand will be higher. Estimated 2012 onwards LED lighting will quickly drop the price, estimated 2015 European LED commercial lighting stores will grow to $ 1.9 billion, compared with 2011 growth of space will be sevenfold.

  Pointed out that if a higher power consumption or commercial lighting outdoor lighting, use LED light source will be able to save more costs, not Everbright wattage into a small wattage more significant economic benefits, compared to traditional light bulb to heat Low heat dissipation can be reduced breath cycle power to reach all the power-saving effect. Thus it can be said that high electricity prices in Europe to promote the development of LED lighting also accelerated after Japan is one of the important elements.
In some indoor lighting, lighting stores in Europe has always been Philips, Osram and the United States and other world manufacturers strange effects. In the meantime, Philips and Osram LED lighting trends lead Europe, they not only continue planning the traditional lighting, path lighting design roots in traditional channels, but also to promote the program to open LED product, antennae also extends to more pathways. European LED lighting companies more cautious use of LED science, the selection is from the light source, LED module color temperature, brightness should work together, luminous viewpoint to be fixed. Query, usually in some interior lighting color temperature, the European lighting match favorite warm white yellowish color temperature, lighting color temperature is normally used for home favorite between 2500 ~ 2700K; if some places in the commercial lighting color temperature of about 3000K for the bulk, but The demand for commercial lighting, high color rendering, usually demand to 80 or more.
Usually people in the European premier supermarkets and retail shops is also very simple purchased below 10W LED bulb and candle lights. But all concerned, LED home lighting throughout the mall did not, the primary is still based on the new case and other high-end luxury mall usage is higher. LED lighting Products  prices are still much higher than traditional lighting lamps, plus LED light bulb can replace traditional light sources viewpoint constraint, so that the end consumer is still on the LED light source adopted shelter looked emotions.

LED street lamp suppliers rank

Recently, China-related government tenders and planning have proposed, so most LED manufacturers on the domestic market size is estimated to be more optimistic. But in fact, there are obvious gap for many construction or government tenders, size and scale project execution, coupled with local interest disputes, So whether manufacturers can obtain the expected profits in the market remains to be seen, and it should not be too optimistic.

LED street lamp suppliers rank
LED street lamp suppliers rank

Even if the loss, many companies will choose struggling. Based on what industry says, LED products sell $ 25 per thousand lumens last year, when it reduced to $ 2 per thousand lumens, the market will mature, and this takes about five years. In five years, how many companies can maintain? The reshuffling in last year has been brewing and restructuring, there will be very much less competitive enterprises that have been eliminated. Many companies are still selling LED lights, but with other products’ support the development of enterprises.
GLII think in the next 3-5 years, if domestic LED lights enterprise want to continued competitiveness, it must have the following characteristics:1, except LED lamp products, other applications should have good market share, and thus there will be a good LED lights funding and technical support; 2, the upstream companies have a good reserve, including chips, packaging materials and devices supply; 3, LED enterprises should have a certain stage export capacity; 4, with good local government resources. Otherwise business is difficult to stick to it as demonstration project in the current domestic tepid, “Ten thousand ten cities” plan did not steadily situation
1 Philips PHILPS (the Netherlands in 1891, China Famous Brand, top ten LED brand, Philips Electronics (China) Holdings)
2 Asian (LED industry pioneer in product research and development, the well-known enterprises-Zhongshan Riya Semiconductor Lighting Co., Ltd.)
3 Cree CREE (USA brand, one of the four largest LED chip manufacturers, top ten LED brand, Shanghai Branch Rui Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.)
4 Union Optical (largest LED chip manufacturers, national high-tech enterprise, Jiangxi Lianchuang Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.)
5 Fangda (domestic well-known and large-scale, high-tech enterprises, the top ten LED brand, Fangda Group Co., Ltd.)
 6 the same side (focus on the LED epitaxial wafers and chips LED application products business, top ten LED brand, same Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.)
7 Kingsun (top ten LED brand, the national high-tech enterprises, the most influential brands, Kingsun Co.)
8 BDO Runda (the largest, most complete LED production scale enterprises, Guangdong Elec Co.)
9 Furi (state-controlled listed companies, the electronic information industry, the backbone of the enterprise, Fujian Furi Electronics Co., Ltd.)
10 Silan Silan (microelectronics and semiconductor integrated circuit chip designed high-tech enterprise, Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd.)

LED lighting indoor lighting energy saving at least 75%

According to the survey: LED lighting indoor lighting can make savings of at least 75%, LED lighting became public business and the user’s choice.

led company
led company

LED lighting is the use of high-brightness white LED light source to emit light, and its high luminous efficiency, low power consumption, long life, easy to control, maintenance and safety and environmental protection features, making it a new generation can replace traditional light sources star product. Especially its outstanding performance in energy efficiency, it is amazing: It is understood that it is only the energy consumption of traditional incandescent lamp 1/10, energy saving lamp 1/4. This means that if you replaced all traditional lighting LED lighting, the annual electricity savings of 60% -75%. Some LED companies started from LED lighting design aspects, experts said, “If the country the traditional lighting sources, all replaced with LED lights, can save a year of electricity is 2.5 total power generation of Three Gorges Dam.”
LED energy-saving is also reflected in its higher luminous efficiency ratio. Traditional incandescent at work, there is 80-90% of the energy is converted into heat, only 10% of the energy is converted to light energy. The LED lights at work, LED electro-optical conversion efficiency of 30% to 50%, which is three to five times that of traditional incandescent. That is to say, to achieve the same brightness effects, LED 60% energy than traditional incandescent or more. From the brightness speaking, LED and incandescent same in the case of energy, LED lamp brightness higher.

How to chose LED High Bay Light
How to chose LED High Bay Light

In addition to energy savings, this new type of lighting is also more environmentally friendly. “A waste of traditional energy-saving lamps, with an average of about 0.5 milligrams of mercury, enough to contaminate 180 tons water and the surrounding soil, but LED lights have no problems in this regard.” Said Ren see. In addition, LED lights also has a long life, cost-effective, convenient transportation and installation characteristics, by virtue of these advantages, LED lighting has become the urban landscape lighting of the “main force”, meanwhile, will be more and more integrated into the lives of ordinary people , the development prospects were bright.
Experts said: generally optimistic about the current LED lights, for example, in the next 10 years, is expected to further enhance the brightness can be 20 times, while the cost will be reduced to the existing 1/10. “While industry experts predict that as incandescent eliminated accelerated worldwide LED lights will usher in a favorable investment market is expected in 2015 China LED lighting output value will reach 500 billion yuan, accounting for 30% of the mainland than the general lighting market .

2013 will usher in the LED lighting industry boom

“With the LED backlight, lighting market demand, chip, package, and application vendors orders full, in 2013 the market gradually opened since the second quarter, the LED industry will usher in the next 7-8 years period of prosperity.”The led company Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Exhibition Director Dr. Pan Wenbo at the 18th Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition news conference, said, “the next eight years, there will be about 80% of lighting products LED products to replace the entire Chinese market demand growth is more impressive.

LED lighting
LED lighting

As technology continues to mature and product prices, the market will break out in 2013, and will usher in a “replace” period.
February 6 this year, ministries jointly issued the “semiconductor lighting energy industry planning,” pointed out that by 2020 the global lighting market will more than 150 billion U.S. dollars, LED lighting market is expected to reach 75 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for the global lighting market share of 50%. As the market continues to expand, when the LED “replacement” of the past, the companies how to survive? “When the real LED lighting products comes, at least half of the companies will go bankrupt, the fight is finally enterprise business model will not only reflect light LED light function is to provide more added value.”
Low trade barriers, high government subsidies and preferential tax policies, many companies come crush, low excess capacity situation is more serious. To be able to fierce “battle” to win the victory, the enterprise will “tentacles” reach out to the segments. In the home market, LED products, price issue has not entered the field of the “obstacles”, LED has gradually infiltrated the domestic industry, the future will be towards energy conservation, aesthetics and other aspects of development. The current development momentum strong field of electronic business, has also been testing the water companies. LED enterprises to enter the field of electronic business, firstly the need to strengthen the brand culture guide, build corporate brand; Secondly, for the online and offline products need to be differentiated development, the establishment of a good profit-sharing mechanism. “Electricity supplier has a great feature is the big data, the data can be analyzed using the user’s buying psychology, buying behavior, etc. For large data utilization, companies need a clear positioning, market segments breakthrough vertical electric providers also refine market in a process. “

High quality LED tube are inevitable trend of development

  Slow growth in recent years, LED lighting, but beginning in 2012, as governments continue to pursue policies to ban incandescent, LED lighting industry outlook established. Topology view, after the incandescent period has come from the outdoor lighting applications market development priorities, commercial lighting, industrial lighting, automotive lighting subordination, and finally penetrate into the domestic market in the next four years for the LED lighting market last key layout period.

professional led lighting in South America market
quality led tube

Experts pointed out that because the LED light source with a high color rendering, high plasticity and other characteristics, and is currently in the outdoor architectural lighting and outdoor display screen penetration has reached 90%, plus subsidies lights, LED outdoor lighting is also ahead of the growth rate other types of lighting.

high quality LED tube
high quality LED tube

Unlike the rapid development of outdoor lighting, LED home lighting Topology think the biggest obstacle, expensive, lack of brightness will be the biggest factor in development of the market disruption, so the overall LED lighting penetration rate of 20% will be the first face bottlenecks, once after the break will have explosive growth.
However, experts warn, because LED lighting products for up to 20,000 hours life, about 8 to 10 years before they need to be replaced, so when the LED lighting penetration rate of 40%, the market will once again face the replacement cycle is too long, and makes weak demand growth dilemma, estimated to be in 2016 will gradually enter the market after maturity.
LED lighting fixture is undoubtedly the future direction of development, but how to reduce the cost of LED lamps LED whether the popularity of the market has become an important part. In fact, at this time there a few years, LED lighting prices are at an annual rate of 35% -50% down, I believe that in the near time, LED lamps prices will drop to every household acceptable range, that time is LED lighting era has arrived.
ENELTEC GROUP almost has High quality led tube requirements.So if you want choose LED lighting products,our company is your inevitable choice.