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LED is a light-emitting crystal produced by a superconducting ultra-high intensity lighting, unlike incandescent lamps need to first convert electrical energy into heat energy, thermal energy conversion to light emitting principle. At present, the LED as the emerging next-generation light source, as technology advances, I believe will be of great future development. Then what is led bulbs?


what is led bulbs from Eneltec

The advantages of LED

(1) long life
LED lamp life of up to 100,000 hours, much higher than incandescent lamps for more than a thousand hours. If we use every day for four hours, then over 60 years of use under normal circumstances, basically more than human life.

(2) energy saving and reduce the cost
LED General 12V-24V DC. Low voltage high optical performance than traditional incandescent lamps to save more than about 80% of the electricity. High-brightness monochromatic LED compared with the traditional light bulb is more expensive, but just the energy-saving advantages will be able to make up for the shortcomings of the high price. If an LED light to be required for a specific brightness power consumption is 15W, then the traditional light bulb to achieve the same brightness, power consumption may be as high as up to 150W.

3 conducive to environmental protection
LED and incandescent lamps, fluorescent lights, luminous works differently, so do not waste too much heat, does not produce toxic gases, difficult to damage, is recognized worldwide as a new generation of environmentally friendly high-tech products.

4 good environmental adaptability
LED as long as the temperature is -40 ° C to -85 ° C, humidity ≤ 65% can normally safe to use. Suitable for use in harsh environments.

5 wide range of applications:
LED light source can be applied in the architectural landscape decoration, highways, bridges, advertising three-dimensional characters, commercial space, airports, subway, hospitals, hotels, cars, computers, mobile phones and other occasions, a wide range of applications.

weak point of LED (what is led bulbs)

1. CRI is poor
LED average CRI in the past to lower the color is not displayed in the LED irradiation incandescent real and likely to cause visual errors and errors of judgment, from the spectral distribution up analysis, a technical problem. But come in phosphors, LED materials used technology to enhance the CRI has been manufacturers gradually pushed up to 90 levels.

2 single LED low power
Low power single LED, the LED light source brightness value is not very high, in order to increase the brightness on the number of LED used in parallel, such as car taillights. Although the single LED is not expensive, but the number is more cost will be high. A single high-brightness high-power LED prices are very expensive and a high-brightness LED also about 5000 candle brightness.

(3)  short distance
Although the multi-LED method can improve the brightness of the light source, but did not increase the illumination distance. Because the divergence of the LED light, even if the condenser adjustment, the light from the under the technical standards in the past was only a few dozen meters, LED light source suitable for close lighting is not suitable for long-distance probe according to sexual activity . However, with the enhancement of technological power, the LED light distance can also be elongated, short-term point of view, the LED’s larger problem is the average unit price to be lower.

(4) the heat dissipation problem

LED products, another problem is heat, if we can not efficiently dissipate heat will shorten the life of the product. Industry are working to develop more effective heat dissipation coefficient of the material used in the field of LED.

what is led bulbs? We have detailed the advantages and disadvantages of LED light source, but have fundamental, the LED street light as the emerging next-generation light source, its power-saving, long life and other advantages won the support of the Governments, I believe that under the new technological advances in the global LED industry, LED weaknesses can be gradually overcome, the future prospects for the future, a great future development.

what is led light bulbs from Eneltec?

LED means light-emitting diode, and the development of a semiconductor component has generally as an indicator, display boards, but as technology increases, has been able to be used as a light source, it can not only efficiently directly into electrical energy into light energy. what is led light bulbs from Eneltec?

With the emergence of the white LED Lamps with more technology import in the indicator of household appliances and notebook computers, automotive fog light, interior lighting and other lighting equipment and burgeoning, LED application is becoming increasingly common.

what is led light bulbs from Eneltec?

In 1955, Radio Corporation of America, the Rubin, Braunstein, discovered infrared radiation effect of GaAs and other semiconductor alloys in 1962, Nick Holonyak, Jr., GE’s to develop visible light LED. However, the LED really take off the white LED in the 1990, began to gradually attach importance to the increasingly wide application of surface. what is led light bulbs from Eneltec?

LED is an electrical energy into light of the electronic parts, and at the same time have the characteristics of the diodes is to have a positive and a negative, most particularly the LED is only from the positive power is luminous, it is generally given when the direct current, the LED street light will be a steady light, but if connected to AC power, the LED will show a flashing pattern, shiny frequency based on the frequency of the AC input. LED light-emitting principle is applied voltage, electrons and holes in the semiconductor combination, the energy release in the form of light.  LED is known as the century and the new light source, because the LED with a point light source and solid-state light source features that save energy, high-shock, long life, fast response, small size, and color saturation and high.

Because of the different photon energy has also generated with the different materials of the LED manufacturing industry through manufacturing materials to control the LED light wavelengths, and thus produce a variety of LEDs with different spectral and color.

what is led light bulbs from Eneltec?Environmental stance as well as energy conservation demands of governments around the world attaches great importance to the economic and energy efficiency of the LED high bay with energy saving lamps, and manufacturers are optimistic about the revolution in lighting business opportunities and have invested. The use of a phased ban on incandescent light bulbs in addition to the EU and the U.S. Congress, Canada announced a complete ban incandescent light bulbs in 2010, the majority of states, including California, USA, but also in the 2012 ban on incandescent bulbs, Australia announced in 2010 a total ban on selling incandescent light bulbs, China, Japan also has LED incentive programs in the planning.


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LED lighting, after the potential optimistic about the industry, is also the field of LED chips to put a lot of effort, but the circuit design, it is still an important role in driving LED street light source, even if the chip and package, no matter how poor, circuit design is also futile, summed up the view, the circuit design of the LED lighting is still not off the volume, the cost of a few basic focus, but one of the PFC is also an important reference. what is the best led grow light?

To observe the overall LED lighting systems, LED chip and packaging areas accounted for a very high proportion of the overall cost, however, circuit design, although the proportion is not high, but that is the relationship between the demands of energy-saving and carbon, how to reduce its power consumption system operators must consider the subject of power has become, but on the other hand, LED lighting is also facing the cost of life and volume design requirements, while facing the many requirements, system operators will also be pressure onto semiconductor industry, the semiconductor industry is also facing some challenges in the solution provider.

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Lighting industry for circuit design is quite strange, but with the appearance or institutional design requirements, the semiconductor industry must stand with the point of view as much as possible to help customers to solve all problems, coupled with the need of rapid mass production in the development of the circuit board design.

LED lighting applications can be broadly divided into indoor and outdoor lighting and other car types, although these three areas can still be broken down quite a lot of categories, but always look at the circuit design is not much difference, compared withdifferences, mostly in the operating temperature, system size, reliability and cost factors. what is the best led grow lights? For example, indoor lighting applications, such as home or commercial areas will be more attention to cost and system size, if the outdoor lighting may be less need to take into account the cost, but the operating temperature and reliability, the relative more important. As for the car lighting, although no AC-DC component description, but, after all, have a high degree of personal safety, reliability and life will be extra requirements.

Outdoor lighting and indoor compared to its more demanding operating environment, the supplier industry standards gap at this stage of outdoor lighting is no more clear standards expected future outdoor lighting market to grow further still take some time. The external environment but put aside to talk about, in fact, the higher the power needs of the outdoor lighting, its main reason is that the LED lights more power will also increase in series and parallel, will face turn-on voltage, so to to outdoor lighting, and its solution must be relatively complete in order to meet the design requirements.

Indoor and outdoor lighting will need the AC-DC components to the conversion of AC and DC, what is the best led grow light but still need the assistance of the DC-DC LED light source to illuminate the two types of components are very important, but the former must carry the high voltage of 110V or 220V barriers to entry is more difficult, and the latter low barriers to entry, competition is more intense.

In the larger LED lighting apparatus, such as street lighting, and its power is generally more than 50W, the isolation design will most likely be a front-end and back-end level two power architectures. The front end will provide power factor correction, and the back-end level isolation and regulation will provide current to drive the LED load.



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benefit from the international lighting OEM orders, LED products accounted for about 30 percent in 2011 the proportion of revenues. Estimates, lighting OEM business continued to grow in 2012 compared to 2011 is expected to grow by about 50% of lighting products accounted for 2012 the proportion of revenues will be about 30%-40%. where can i buy led?

From the LED street light source module, power module, the radiator tools, assembly to finished lamps are able to provide customers a variety of complete solutions in the grasp of international companies order, has some advantages.

The LED lighting market is large enough, the largest share of the European market, LED lighting in the commercial space market with the standard case. The proportion of European families with LED lighting is still low. But now, see the LED market demand in Europe is very positive, there are signs of a gradual upward. As for the other emerging markets, although at this stage of commercial lighting needs are not many, where can i buy led but in the issue of power shortage, more and more owners will also consider more energy-efficient LED lighting fixtures.

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However, when you see the market more and more vendors enter the field of LED lighting which some manufacturers to bring low-quality LED products and prices to undercut the impact on the market. Therefore, the 2012 year of introduction of LED lighting products are more diverse and rich compared to previous products such as LED bulb lamp, 2012 we will let customers have more choices. For example, which the German lighting Booth, LED plate lights asked the high is also the Europe Department of lighting brands in use, visual effects are not lost to the OLED panel lights. In addition, LED lighting with intelligent control system, but also the inevitable trend, the company has been related solutions.

As more and more manufacturers into the LED lighting industry, lighting applications, the segmentation of low prices of under the influence, able to profit vendors talk a few.where can i buy led? Many manufacturers hold to reduce costs there will be order mentality, also fall into the vicious circle of price competition. After the LED industry oversupply shock education, more and more manufacturers of logic which began to change.

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To get a high-power LED street light, it is necessary to prepare a suitable high-power LED chips. where can i buy led bulbs? Usually the manufacture of high-power LED chips are summarized as follows:

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① large size. By increasing the effective light emitting area and the size of the single LED, to promote uniform current distribution in order to achieve the desired luminous flux through the TCL layer. However, simply increase the light emitting area can not solve the heat dissipation and light, and can not achieve the desired luminous flux and the practical application of effects.

② silicon backplane for flip-chip. First prepared for eutectic welding of large-size LED chips, while preparation of the corresponding size of the silicon backplane for eutectic welding deposit conductive layer and leads to a conductive layer (ultrasonic gold ball solder joints), and produced in the silicon backplane , eutectic welding equipment will be large-size LED chip and the silicon base plate welded together. Such a structure is more reasonable to take into account both the light taking into account the heat dissipation problem, which is the mainstream of high-power LED production.

③ ceramic substrate for flip-chip. The first use of the LED chip general-purpose equipment to preparation of a has a suitable Total crystal welding electrode structure large a light area of ​​the LED chip and the corresponding ceramic base plate and the ceramic substrate produced a total crystal welding conductive layer and leads to conductive layer, then the use of eutectic soldering The equipment will be large-size LED tubes chip and the ceramic base plate welded together. where can i buy led bulbs? Such a structure is taken into consideration the light taking into account the heat dissipation problem, and the ceramic substrate of high thermal conductivity ceramic plate, the cooling effect is very satisfactory, the price is relatively low, so a more appropriate substrate material, and can for the futureintegrated circuit integration package to reserve space.

④ sapphire substrate transition method. InGaN chip according to the traditional manufacturing method in the PN junction grown on sapphire, the sapphire substrate removal, where can i buy led bulbs? and then connect on the traditional materials, manufacturing the upper and lower electrode structure of the large size blue LED chip.

⑤ AlGaInN the silicon carbide (SiC) on the back light method.  PN-type electrode at the bottom and top of the chip, using a single wire bonding, good compatibility, easy to use, it would become AlGaInN LED another mainstream products.

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With the 1878 incandescent lamp into the Paris World Expo, the human bid farewell to the dark into the lamp era. 100 years later, the LED would be new Lightings.

Since last year, 100 watts incandescent lamps  are not allowed to sell any more, many cities have accelerated the pace of the street lamps into LED lights. Estimated that in 2023, along with increasing the degree of policy support and changes in consumer attitudes, the LED will gradually into family. After all, in accordance with the incandescent phase-out plan, four years after the family with an incandescent lamp will lock-up.

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Now,  we don’t have any standard for LED lights, good and bad market, high prices, will hinder the promotion of its market. Buy a 25-watt ordinary bulb hair or buy a family living room with 7-watt LED light up to 60, 7 watt LED street light brightness is equivalent to a 40-watt energy-saving lamps, and the life expectancy of 6-7 years consumers willing to pay more than 60 RMB to buy a lamp? If the ordinary people build can not afford energy-saving concept, the LED lights the high price will make plans to ban 15 after 1 October 2016 watts and above the general lighting incandescent plan faces enormous challenges.
The key is the ability to reduce the net worth.

Herald reporters found that the family of a LED companies have introduced more than 60 RMB with the price of LED lights 4 watts, 30 watts sold more than 900 yuan, 45 watts up to 1200 RMB. Although LED lights can be used more than a decade, but most people rarely consider the long-term investments can not accept such a high price, and half prefer to change the light bulb of an 8 cents.” The LED company’s sales staff told the Herald reporter.

In fact, in addition to price, LED lights difficult to enter the ordinary people family is an important reason. this has led to low prices, uneven quality of products flooding the market.

LED industry blowout in addition to causing confusion in the market, overcapacity is also apparent. “Previously, the number of LED enterprises in the export trade, but with the debt crisis in Europe continues to linger, Europe and the United States and other countries reduce subsidies on energy-saving products, the intensity of the lack of external demand, shrinking export markets, resulting in excess of the domestic market.” Above Ms. Lee said, Some LED business has been difficult, and the retail market, consumers do not agree, do no funding support for municipal works, leading some LED enterprises have to rely on contract energy management company to survive.


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Recently, the mainstream 0.5W and 1W LED Lights of price drops faster than the 5-10% decline in fourth quarter of 2011 and 2011 full-year decline of nearly 40% to 50%. It’s expected that in 2012 this rate will slow down, it is estimated that the 2012 full year it prices will fall 20-30%. where to buy led christmas lights?

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To furtherly reduce the cost of the LED Street Light, some vendors try to use the cheaper silicon and metal materials as the substrate material to develop high-power LED, but this practice in the early 2011’s when a good subject, but last year the third and fourth quarter, as demand for LED production capacity and the sapphire substrate manufacturing capacity expansion, the end of last year the price of sapphire compared with the beginning of last year has been reduced by more than half. For example, the beginning of last year’s Sapphire’s price is more than 30 dollars, but by the end of last year, the lowest offer only about $ 7. When the sapphire prices fell to below $ 10, the substrate with other materials is not obvious advantages. where to buy led christmas lights?

Silicon substrate technology is actually developed quite early, but has not been developed, mainly because there are several important issues: First, the silicon defects, its luminous efficiency is relatively poor. The epitaxial growth of silicon, silicon itself will absorb light and therefore must silicon removed, do light carrier of other substrates (whether metal or other substrate). Here have to do the conversion of a substrate, the process itself is not so easy. When you increase a process when the silicon substrate to be replaced by another substrate, basically use the benefits of silicon. where to buy led christmas lights?

LED Products costs with silicon carbide substrate cost is much higher than the sapphire substrate, luminous efficiency of the silicon carbide substrate and the epitaxial growth of quality is better. The sub-opaque and opaque two types of silicon carbide materials, such as opaque silicon carbide substrate cost, rather than the transmittance of silicon carbide with silicon material, must be done after the epitaxial substrate conversion , the substrate conversion process will be related to another process, yields that there are some problems. So we mainly sapphire based materials, the technology has developed quite long and very mature.

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It’s almost in May 2012, after less than six months time, the incandescent lamp will start to roll over and die. Who would take the market share of 1.3 billion incandescent lamp? Fluorescent lamps? LED lights? where to buy led grow lights?

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LED lighting is available soon, with many of the advantages of energy saving, environmental protection, long life compared with fluorescent, then the LED lamps will replace incandescent market share? This is not necessarily, LED lights, this lighting revolution will be a long-term and arduous process. where to buy led grow lights?

Throughout the lighting market now, due to the large tracts of excellent prospects for LED lighting, the influx of many manufacturers, LED lighting internal “fight” have already begun,  making consumers’ confidence in the LED lighting products greatly reduced, in fact, a careful analysis on the capacity of the current capacity and the entire lighting market, the real level of competition in the market should be reflected in the LED lighting and fluorescent lamp.

Incandescent exit the stage, LED lighting products, the main rival is not the product competition between the manufacturers and the manufacturers, but competition between the traditional fluorescent lamps. Let’s imagine fluorescent roll in the market for so many years,  could easily be replaced by LED lights? At this stage, the boss of the concept of the surname is quite traditiona. LED can only control the cost of LED lighting products close to the fluorescent product prices, inorder to make LED lighting more competitive, more dominant struggle is fluorescent. where to buy led grow lights?

So, now incandescent is outgoing, who is still the biggest winner or an unknown, but theLED light is active, while the fluorescent lamp is passive. As long as the LED lighting industry standards, norms of good product quality, and establish consumer confidence inthe LED lamps. Plus as far as possible to reduce product costs, the prices are more readily accepted by consumers, such a result, I believe LED lighting will be victorious inthe revolution.

The rapid improvement of the efficiency of solar energy LED lighting is not only the seeds, but grace also

The rapid improvement of the efficiency of solar energy led lighting and led street light is not only the seeds but also grace

US government regulate to ban 100W incandescent compact fluorescent lamps in 2012. But people want to know that the only reasons for using compact fluorescent. Consumers do not completely change.

In fact, because of all kinds of reasons, a large percentage of consumers have rejected the compact fluorescent lamps, these reasons include flashing lights, color rendering, reliability and cost comparison, the slow start. The small fluorescent light on these issues have been resolved, but in the eyes of many consumers , small fluorescent light is not they wanted. The short term, if  used 100W incandescent lamps are burned, many of these consumers will switch to the halogen incandescent lamp.

This will pose a problem: solar energy led lighting can enter the neutral and the consumer will choose the options? So far, there is no commercially available LED lamps to replace the 100W A19 incandescent. The reason is that the passive cooling 1500lm(100W typical lighting the lamp output) LED is still not on the output in the physical level.

The white LED is a very efficient light source, about one-third of the input power is converted to light, the remaining two-thirds of the power is converted to LED in the heat. So 100lm / W, or about 100W power must be continuous and quickly consumed. If the heat has not been removed, the LED lamp will quickly heat up to 120 ℃ of the maximum working temperature.

This problem may eventually be resolved through the LED luminous efficiency. Last year, the best of cool white LED obtained the lighting efficiency of 100lm / W. This year, a lots of white solar energy led lighting get the efficiency of 120 ~ 130lm / W range. This trend in the foreseeable future will not be decayed.

With the improvement of LED high bay conversion efficiency, the thermal management of improvement is about the square of the efficiency. Because the total power of LED power supply is decreased and the percentage of heat generated by the input power also reduce the number of the corresponding.


“the three stages of development” in global LED lighting applications

LED lighting spread into the main lighting as early as in developed countries. The market for LED lighting products have a recognization and acception. The environmental protection of the LED lamps, small size, high reliability features increasingly is prominent. Under the higher electricity bills, long life, LED lighting is rapidly becoming the new darling of the market. As the use of global led lighting, LED market development have several stages.

The practicality of LED lamps

On the basis of the previous stage, the market has been recognized and accepted. The environmental protection of the LED lamps, small size, high reliability features emerged. Thus developed a series of products, which will be completely different from the traditional light source applications. The lighting industry will be a more open space for development. Lighting source is no longer playing a role in lighting, yet it is changing bit by bit in making more appropriate for people working and living. The fight by the various manufacturers is to design application advantage.

An alternative acceptable for LED lamps

This phase is mainly indicated luminous efficiency(energy consumption). It reflect the characteristic of high lighting effect(energy saving) and long life. As the price was high, so at this stage, it is mostly used in the business and market. The customer has an acceptable process. At first, it is the habit and appearance to make them accept. Under the circumstances of complying with traditional light,  global led lighting reflects the energy saving, longevity and other features make the market easier to accept the relatively high prices. Especially in commercial situations. The fight by the various manufacturers is the quality and price advantage.

The intelligent control of LED lighting
With the development of internet and new technology, LED street light, as the semiconductor industry, will catch this tour high-speed train to play out its high controllability. LED, From home to office buildings, from the road into the tunnel, from the car to walk, will give mankind a higher level of service. LED lighting industry will also be doing product design, to provid total solutions to the course.

With the gradual development of LED lighting, on the public places and lighting engineering auxiliary, global led lighting gradually replaced some of the traditional light source products.