Japan, Korea, mainland China and Taiwan how to fight cost of led bulbs

2012, for the LED high bay lights industry, cross-border, price war, patent battle, the channel card war inflation, overheating, difficult recruitment and high prices of housing is much more violent in this year. So it is time that are more concerned about cost of led bulbs and the trend of the global LED industry.

Looking though the global LED industry, the United States and Europe entrenched high-end market, the market share of about 20%. In 2010, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the Chinese mainland and the overall market share has reached 81.3%. Asia has become the main production base of LED street light. Clearly, Asia in the future of the global LED status and market competition will become the main battle field.


In the future, the LED industry development in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the mainland China will be crucial, and plays a decisive role in the global LED chess game.

At first, taking a looking at Japan, which is the first global LED lights industry leader and a strong technology development capabilities. From the period of 2000 to 2005, the cost of led bulbs of market share reached 50%, mainly represented by Nichia, Sharp, Toshiba, Panasonic and other companies, while between 2006 and 2010 by the economies of scale and low-cost strategy of Taiwan, and Korea, the impact of mainland government, the market share has dropped to 41.5%. But Japan ranked first in the output value of LED packaging enterprises, in 2009 accounted for 33% of the output of the global LED package. However due to the Japanese products locate the high-end market, high product price, and overall output, so it remained the worldwide leader. And because of the impact of earthquakes in Japan, Japanese consumers have high acceptance of LED lighting, which is the reason why the current Japanese market penetration of LED lighting is far higher than other parts of the reasons. According to Japanese research firm Fuji has aggregated survey results show that it is expected that LED lighting in 2012 will reach 373.8 billion yen, an increase of 69 percent over the previous year. And in 2020, it is expected to increase to 469 billion yen or so. The potential of cost of led bulbs market in Japan is enormous, which makes a lot of LED companies competing to enter.

tunnel lighting led in car application

LED lights now has seen the new vehicles lights applications.The LED lamp is different from incandescent tungsten filament light,  while the use of electric light, the luminous efficiency of up to 80% -90%. The LED has a long life, high luminous efficiency, energy saving, less environmental pollution, etc., so the tunnel lighting led  is not only used in the lighting field, and caused a high degree of attention of the automobile manufacturers, have invested the funds to carry out scientific and technological research, a breakthrough in LED applications in the automotive sector the technical difficulties, the application rate of the LED in the car are increasing year by year.

tunnel lighting led in car application
1, the application of LED car light
In fact, the world’s auto giants has introduced tunnel lighting led  light source for new cars. Like the Japanese Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Nissan and other manufacturers introduced Teana, Crown, Reiz, Cadillac Series; the United States Department of the General Motors Corporation Buick series; Ashkenazi S-Class Benz series has been so using the LED tail lights.  In LED products market, the higher the cost is,  the better in bightness of  LED, however, some manufacturers have also introduced the middle and low-car models of the application of LED light source, such as the Mitsubishi Lancer models launched in the China mainland market.

2, the scope of application of the LED light source in the car
In automotive lighting, it is expected that in 2010, the LED will become a mainstream light source of the majority of car tail light. For example,  TOYOTA the LS600hL, Japan became the first car with LED headlamps. This shows that the exterior light source of future growth potential, the headlights for the next development focus.

The front lights (headlights and turn signals, etc.) The application of LED light source can save valuable space for engines and other related equipment space. Blue, red and green light, LED products mature, widely used, although the white LED used in automotive lighting systems, there are many technical problems. However, with advances in science and technology, brightness, improve the speed up, high brightness LED production capacity increase, as long as the good performance of LED lighting products, prices continued to decline, I believe the tunnel lighting led light source in the application prospects of the automotive lighting systems, good performance, energy-saving the advantages of environmentally friendly, stable and long-life will make the LED to become mainstream products in the automotive lighting.

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions of the led lights usher the best time

Integration is power, while mergers and acquisition the led lights are undoubtedly an effective way of integration of resources. Under the today’s economic globalization, corss-border mergers and acquistions are rapid accumulation of capital, resources. It is an important means of market expansion. On the eve of the era of LED lighting, by merging and acquisitions to enlarge the LED High Bay lighting market, which has been the consensus of the lighting professionals. International environment Chinese enterprises participated in cross-border mergers and acquisitions had pasted two decades. From  1992 to 2000, the peak of the first foreign investment began the second wave of the peak since 2000. Since China joined the WTO, Chinese enterprises to invest overseas. The first stage is a trial, mergers and acquisitions is quite small. The second phase of M & A peak after another, Chinese companies realized that only integration into the world economic system which can have a stronger ability to survive. The fist business that China export is Lenovo, TCL as the representative of consumer electronics and household electrical applicance enterprises. Followed by is the automotive industry and the financial sector started in 2006 and 2007, which is eye-catching. At the same time, oil, mining and other resource companies, also become a wave of Chinese forces in the international M&A market. But in the new round of mergers and acquisitions boom of the led lights, the scope of the object of  China mergers and acquisitions has greatly expanded, more open vision. Engineering machinery, automobiles, consumer goods, and even the luxury goods sector, are constantly heard the news of mergers and acquisitions by Chinese companies. Beginning with 201o, the lighting industry is also emerging in the list fo overseas acquisitions. NVC lighting, solar lighting, BDO Runda lighting and so on has embarked on a journey of the cross-border takeovers. In 2002, China’s mergers and acquisitions in the led lights and LED Products are only$ 200 million, in 2003, which reached to $ 834 million, an increase of more than four times, showing a rapid increase in momentum. In 2004, only Lenovo acquired IBM’s personal business amount of $ 1.75 billion. According to the estimates of the global consulting firm in Las Beckham, in  2004, China’s enterprises overseas mergers and acquisitions amounted to $ 7,000,000,000. According to Commerce Department Statistics, in 2011, China’s domestic investors were non-financial overseas direct investment aiming at 132 countries and regions around the world 3391 foreign enterprises. In terms of scale or volume terms, overseas mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises grow steadily.

uk led grow lights with solar

In recent years, oil prices are getting higher and higher, to enhance environmental awareness, green energy and sustainable development, more and more people focus on the development of different national governments to improve the energy use, and actively develop new energy. Sustainable development of solar energy to combine with the power efficiency of LED High Bay lighting products like (uk led grow lights), new trends, and by the improvement in semiconductor technology, solar technology has made solar LED products has gone through the stage of technological development, and progress to the commercialization stage the scope of coverage includes street lights, traffic lights, night landscape lights, outdoor lighting, and so on. uk led grow lights with solar From the beginning of 1997, some countries have been equipped with solar power technology, applied to different areas, advanced countries have also developed a related policy and development plan to enhance the development of solar energy industry, which the U.S. plans will be installed in 2010 totaling 4.6GW the solar power with uk led grow lights installations is planned by the U.S. Department of Energy, which also contains the California million Solar Roofs program. As for the EU, according to the EU White Paper on renewable energy, solar power installations can be installed in 2010 totaling 6.7GW, which 3.7GW deployment in Europe, exports 3GW. Market forecast for the next 10 years, the production of solar cells will be 20 percent to 30 percent rate of development, the 2010 global solar cell industry output is expected to continue to multiply, and with the conditions of alternative energy goals for the future generating capacity of hope 15% to 20% of the world’s total generating capacity. As for the solid state light source LED street light like uk led grow lights with solar is the perfect combination, in line with the image of the argument to save energy, protect the environment lighting systems, is the concept of green lighting. Precisely because human consumption of energy to electricity for lighting accounted for the largest proportion of growing importance for the application and promotion of green energy, the development of LED technology quickly yielded to become eye-catching products, falling prices also increased popularity. In particular, the development of high brightness LED lighting products, as an alternative light source to become possible.

Hitachi will be listed on the brightness which is equivalent to 80W incandescent warm led bulbs

Engaged in the production of home appliances, air conditioning and lighting apparatus, Hitachi Group will be listed in the industry on June 15, the brightness is equivalent to 80W incandescent bulbs(pure white). We support the normal E26 lamp mouth. The new products like incandescent bulbs. The light can spread wide with the warm led bulbs. After 60W incandescent light bulbs replaced by this product, it can not only improve the brightness, but also substantially reduce power consumption.

Except the high efficiency LED Street Light module, it adopt using of the distribution of the simultaneous inhibition of uneven illumination lamp shades, so as to achieve the same brightness and wide range of light with 80W incandescent. The brightness is 1160Lm, the power consumption of 11.4W. Listed on the same time, the brightness is equivalent to the 60W power consumption of the same LED High bay Light bulbs.

With the bightness quivalent to 80W incandescent bulbs, the power is only 11.4W, so the original support 60W and 40W incandescent bulbs in lighting fixtures can be used, just to replace, that can be improve brightness, energy-saving. Light as  incandescent bulbs can be divergent,  so whether it is hanging or mounted on the wall, the lighting will diverge in all directions and illuninate the place where warm led bulbs cannot enlight in the past.

Compared to 60W incandescent bulbs, the power consumption reduced from 54W to11.4W. The life extended from 1000 hours to 40,000 hours, which is 40 times more than the previous age. Thereby reducing the number of replacement. It can also used in the Closed apparatus in the bathroom etc. Appliances can also be used. Hitachi, electrical plan, the two species together, the initial monthly output is 70000. Due to the high energy efficiency and environment awareness. Warm led bulbs are popular. Faced with such situation, the company will achieve differentiation by the brightness and wide light distribution business.

Japanese LED lighting development accelerated

Japan is the earliest country to announce banning the incandescent lamp, and also is the fasteat growing region in solar energy led lighting. In particular, the 3 • 11 large earthquakes and nuclear power plant crisis as a powerful catalyst, along with  the Fukushima nuclear disaster from power saving measures. Energy conservation in Japan is like a strong wind came in,  in 2011, Japan’s penetration rate of LED lighting upgrades significantly. Japan has become one of the world’s hottest LED high bay lighting market.

Throughout the LED lighting market in Japan, not only from the government subsidies and incentives, such as chip giant, Panasonic, Toshiba etc international companies that are very acceptable to LED products. These factors prompt the Japanese solar energy led lighting market which is maturing. With the rapid development of LED lighting industry, the huge opportunities in Japan market become the focus in LED industry. How to grasp the needs and to fully prepared for the LED Street Light market, how to talent showing itself on this opportunities are become the curiosity projects. The sense of quality is Japan market is strong, so it is not easy to enter into Japan market, but after the Japan’s market is mature, it is more difficult to break into. one business manager who are proposing developing Japan’s market said that. ” On this period, our worker are overtime production. It is surprised that the needs of Japan’s market is huge as it just open in the first of this year. We can see that the lighting market in Japan are changing.” Another LED enterprise manager told us who are rush to finish an order told to reporter.

Japanese LED lighting development accelerated

It is well known that in the Asian’s solar energy led lighting market, the first argument by Japanese market is quite common. While Japan 3 • 11 large earthquakes is undoubtedly an large force to accelerate LED lighting market in Japan. Under the influence by lacking of electricity, the development in LED lighting market seems out of people’s expectation. Today’s Japan, it is more urgent to saving energy and improving the utilization of renewable energy. The former bright lights of the “prosperity” scene is no longer.

ultraviolet led bulbs application

With the widespread use of LED’s and performance improvements, a new lighting revolution is about to sweep the world, people look forward to the overall lighting of the LED scene (ultraviolet led bulbs)  change will bring advantages to the people, which is also worthy of our attention.

LED Street Light is more convenient in terms of brightness, color temperature, color controllable adjustable. Lighting development of human society can be divided into three stages. The new stage is the LED street light for lighting like (ultraviolet led bulbs), lighting on the new stage. The tricolor LED allows any visible color can be changed at any time. And in the brightness, color temperature regulation and more convenient.

LED stressed that the overall effect of the change in the past a single lighting
Lighting in everyday life are usually single or partial lighting, but it does not reflect the overall effect. LED small size, can be installed in the building materials, decorative materials and work in the Fine Arts in goods. The semiconductor light-emitting diode bulbs material, so very small, this light-emitting device can do, to achieve nanometer order of magnitude, while the long life of LED lights, more energy efficient.

LED lamps using the wisdom of switching to the scene effect a more coordinated
General lighting in general is a switch to control a lamp. Order to emphasize the overall lighting effect, the LED tubes light source according to different scenarios requirements control the design of different lighting effects. It is only through the intelligent switch of scene selection to achieve a coordinated lighting effects.
ultraviolet led bulbs application
LED can be arbitrary arrangement in the scene as a whole lighting
For example, incandescent, fluorescent, halogen, high pressure sodium lamps, mercury lamps and other radiant heat and gas discharge lights, the use of non-safe voltage, only in a fixed position layout, the variable is limited

LED light source can be solar, wind and other green energy drive
The world are working on solar, wind or other forms of green energy supply, and inexhaustible. Just as LED power for (ultraviolet led bulbs) is relatively small, high luminous efficiency, low voltage, DC, suitable for solar-powered. LED light source is a low-load light, and greatly promote the development of solar energy industry. At this stage have vendors fight to illuminate the LED lighting systems can use solar powered separately, you can launch the application to remote areas limited by the electricity supply environment.

LED lighting will change people’s concept of lighting
In life, the light have a major impact on the mentality of people, three-color LED brightness, grayscale, color, continuous transformation and selection. Of Fine Arts in history, humanities, and personality requirements to the scene, and a different understanding of the environment and living at different times to choose a different overall lighting effects, creating different light effects atmosphere.

2012 high efficiency led lighting starts to enjoy 30% for the users of financial subsidies

China released to phase out incandescent route map in October 2012, at that time, most people believe that the energy saving light will replace incandescent. Just six months later, the semiconductor lighting for a more energy efficient lamp has been entering a large scale into the market.

Spend $ 40 billion for LED Street Light lamps procurement users to provide 30% financial subsidy

The strength of LED lights energy saving are obvious: compared with the same brightness, the 3W LED energy saving lamps spent 333 hours to consume 1 kWh of the electricity, while the ordinary 60W incandescent spent 17 hours to consume 1 kWh of the electricity, the ordinary 5W energy saving lamps consume 1 kWh of electricity.  Moreover, the LED lamp life is 5-6 times than the energy-saving lamps. “If  you do not consider  material aging factors,an LED may be used more than 20 years.” BOE Technology Group Vice President Li said.

High efficiency led lighting technology and the products have matured. “12th Five-Year” period , the unit of Guangdong Province, mainland GDP carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 19.5%target. For this reason, Starting from March 1, 2012, all financial investment in Guangdong province develop lighting project, all public lighting shall be using LED lights.

March 20, 2012, organized by the Ministry of Finance, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology 2012 semiconductor lighting products, financial subsidies to promote the project” in Beijing,  mainland public tender, 110 companies from all over the world have nearly 300 bids representatives participated in the tender. China Development and Reform Commission has made clear that in 2012 the Chinese government will spend 40 billion yuan t0 the procurement of LED street lamp and to th30 percent of financial subsidies for the users of high efficiency led lighting.

The subsidy policy will not only boost the LED lighting market, but also stimulate the demand for civilian use LED lighitng. The insider believes taht the real start of the domestic LED high bay lighting market will commence later this year.

The reshuffle of Large international companies, mergers and acquisitions is inevitable, so LED small businesses is hard to compete.

As a barometer of the high efficiency led lighting industry, the Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition of data also shows signs of this, according to the organizers of Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co., Ltd.General Manager Mr. Hu Zhongshun said, the exhibition held in this year will not only expand the scale of 220,000 square meters, and 500 well-known listed companies, have to snatch a large booth in preparation for the second half of the industry to warm up.

What is the most appropriate led lighting price?

LED lighting is gradually entering the main stream lighting applications. The LED Street Light market demand has also entered a critical period. Huge market prospects stimulate foreign and domestic enterprises to seize the lighting market, and the competition is intensifying.  “Channel, the brave first” . The docking of the LED lighting customers reply on the channel, the channel is the premise of the growth  of the industry acceptance and promotion efforts on the led lighting price. Channel construction is also the important catalyst.

Whether it is self-built channels or to help dealers develop engineering and distribution market channel are the focus of attention of every enterprise. Many companies have the interest and attention Merchants channel construction, enterprises encountered the following problems by our research enterprise.

1、A lack of experience. led lighting price is an emerging industry, its industry characteristics is strong, but the experience which can learn from is less. At present, there is no available channels for investment charter to follow.

2、The low awareness. Many consumers do not really understand LED lamps, on the whole LED industry awareness, it is low, which is directly led to many distributors lacking of confidence. LED product has not fully recognized and accepted by store, and even the showroom and LED exclusive shop.

3、The shortage of product categories. Types of LED lighting products at this stage is relatively small, not enough to hold up the store. When consumers purchase, there is not much choice for them to choose, that is also the reason why a lot of LED brand has yet to LED exclusive shops.

4、Led lighting price are generally high. This is the bottlenecks of LED channel investment, which is constrained by high prices and leading to a lot of consumer to avoid purchase it. Therefore, enterprises should lower the threshold to paste the price that consumers can accept.

5、The unformed service system. Once the channel is formed, it means that on all aspects from production to sales should be done smoothly, but the LED professional personnel, whether it is professional sales staff or maintenance staff, are very shortage. At the same time, retailers should take into account all the factors.

uk led lights with flexible led

In order to solve the technical bottleneck of neon exist, some of the lighting company began as early as the end of last century a lot of manpower, material resources, the introduction of multiple resources to R & D focus on the LED tube lights. After a long period of study and experiment, in 2005, we found a flexible LED neon,  solve the problem of uneven general LED hose light line and continuous, such as uk led lights.
uk led lights with flexible led
LED Neon Flex is a specialized linear light decoration that looks like nothing difference with the ordinary neon, but it can be bent arbitrarily, with good flexibility, has broken resistance and water resistance, in both indoor and outdoor can be used.

Compared with the traditional neon LED Flexible Neon has the following application advantages:
1, the traditional neon could work only at room temperature,  need high voltage, power consumption, high cost, inconvenient maintenance. LED Neon flexible has the same brightness with much lower power consumption.
2, the life of the traditional neon limited by a variety of external conditions, and shorter life span and are easily damaged. And the LED Products is longer than the life of traditional light bulbs, LED Flexible Neon like uk led lights also has a shock-proof, heat-resistant features.

3, the use of traditional neon high voltage to stimulate the inert gas in the glass tube, along the outline of the font pattern hair monochromatic light, the two colors you need two sets of glass tube. The font is too large, the middle of strokes does not shine; too small, too complex, the processing does not come out. Flexible neon operating voltage is only 24V, the distribution of low-calorie, installation can also be cut to any length, bent into different shapes easily installed together with a special track with a different surface, according to the needs of the designer’s design decorated in different patterns.

At present, the lighting companies of the world R & D investment in the LED Lights very well, lighting production, the scale of large-scale, and continued to grow this stage LED industry is highly competitive, take some time for the transformation and upgrading, do not all manufacturers are able to do so. Under the tide of economic globalization, LED lighting such as uk led lights to really create his own  market, master own technology is the most important.