113 companies are participated in the subsidy tender of semiconductor led light kits

August, 14, 2012, organized by the Ministry of Finance, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology ministries, popular concern to the industry” 2012/2013 annual financial subsidy of the semiconductor lighting products promotion and opening” officially opened at the International Hall of Schönbrunn Palace Hotel in Beijing to a close. On the opening scene, over 300 seats occupied and 113 business representatives from all over the country can not wait for the bid moment.

led light kits

July 18, the three ministries issued a notice regarding to ” 2012  financial subsidy of the semiconductor led lights kits products promotion project” ( here referred to as “Notice”)  “NOTICE” pointed out that the procurement goals set by original tender document cannot meet the new demand because of the significant changes of the national policy, and therefore the tender people will organize the bids soon” Tender restart caused widespread concern and discussion in this field. Organizers issued a new tender document with fast speed and held the bid.

Although the second tender brought much inconvenience to the bidding enterprises, however it did not affect the enthusiasm of the bidding enterprises. Compared with last 110 bidding companies, this time increases to 113 companies. The reporters found that the enterprises which participated in this bidding nearly cover almost the vast majority of domestic well-known LED lighting enterprises and most of them are the transition from traditional lighting.

In the opening scene, Apart from the representatives of the bidding companies, as well as non-tender business people, they and other tender representatives are busy in the companies offer. A business representative coming from Tianjin talked to the reporter about the opening feelings. Some enterprises which the offer is too or too low may want to catch this opportunity to exert some influences. In the offer, they care more about the offer which has great influences in the industry, not all the offers will be taken much concern.

After the bid opening, many business representatives are discussing the ranking during their own companies in the offer in order to estimate the possibility of winning. A company representative told reporters that they took part in the tender and lucky won the bid in 2010. He hoped that this time will also fortunately be the successful tenderer.