led yard lighting for the architectural lighting market from the top half of the sky

LED Lights market to develop the next generation of lighting as a national strategic technology, led yard lighting, the development of a new generation of IT will be important, but the LED lighting market in China dusk heavy, when the clouds are cleared to see the sky to be explored. led yard lighting for the architectural lighting market from the top half of the sky

Most Chinese enterprises to walk in the midstream and downstream industry chain upstream industrial chain and only a small part of Chinese enterprises, led yard lighting, and the survival of extremely difficult technical problem is the primary obstacle to impede Chinese companies an attractive piece of cake eating.

Under the state’s policy orientation, local governments have been master of the LED industry, Dongfeng, the local economic structure adjustment and industrial upgrading, setting off a place to get the building wave of large LED high bay production base. The low threshold of downstream technology, the natural into the LED industry, the most appropriate incision, the inevitable result of such large-scale investment in upstream and downstream industry chain is redundant construction and waste of resources, and even generate excess capacity and foam.

According to market research data show that Investment Advisor in the current state-approved six semiconductor lighting industrial base, in fact, most provinces have in-built LED street light industry base, and intend to apply for a national title in a timely manner. The data show that only the first half of 2009, investment in China’s LED production has more than 20 billion yuan, led yard lighting, while its tendency to expand continues.

This situation will naturally such as According to statistics, Taiwan-funded lighting companies in the Guangdong region alone, more than 500. Accumulation of a large number of enterprises caused by the downstream industry chain industry concentration is not high, in fact, the profits of the downstream industry chain is rather limited, led yard lighting,  accounting for only 10% to 20% of the whole industrial chain, therefore, the phenomenon is particularly prominent enough to go round, the level of competition One can imagine such a situation will inevitably lead to a chaotic situation such as disorderly market competition.

Special Administrative Region took the lead standards of LED yard lighting


Special Administrative Region took the lead standards of LED yard lighting


Policy support is not enough, light, but also the rules of the game. Zones in Shenzhen’s desire to become the first person to eat crab. March 21, held in Shenzhen City of LED yard lighting industry standard publishing and industrial measurement Publicizing General Assembly, Shenzhen LED Industry Standards Alliance released a series of standard indoor LED lighting technology specification – Part 3: tube-shaped lights “”part 4: light Bulb” standard, as well as LED lights product standards enacted in 2010 revised edition. At present, Shenzhen LED industry’s overall production value of 70 billion yuan, accounting for 40% of the market share. Insiders said the rapid development of LED industry in Shenzhen and its matching technical standards is also an urgent need to be regulated and determined.


It is understood that the indoor LED yard lighting bulb and indoor LED tube lamp standard in Shenzhen first proposed the first time in the country. Shenzhen LED yard lighting Industry Alliance, the official said, the standards on the energy efficiency of indoor lighting, grading and color temperature, color rendering index, test methods and other provisions, aimed at regulating the chaotic domestic LED indoor lighting market, improve the Shenzhen indoor lighting level of technology, to enhance the market competitiveness of the Shenzhen LED indoor lighting products.


In addition, the LED high bay lights in the revised standard specifies the specific lumen maintenance revised to not less than 98% energy efficiency rating parameters have a more substantial upgrade than before. Industry sources say that the biggest highlight of this revision is the first time, general-purpose simulation design software for lighting simulation and experimental results, the combination of as considerations LED street light product performance means.

LED yard lighting should be sticked according to Industry Analysis

LED yard lighting should be sticked according to Industry Analysis

LED situation, the traditional lighting companies need breakthrough innovative, but not every traditional lighting companies need to build up a huge LED R & D team, on the one hand, LED high bay, no need to repeat someone Else’s crooked road. “OSRAM Opto Application Design Center Senior Applications Engineer, said Dr. Chen Wen cheng, “LED acute shortage of talent, led yard lighting, do not blind impulse, accurate positioning is critical for enterprises. do not blind impulse to find not only sell reliable products, but also to provide a program of high quality suppliers will save a lot of manpower and material costs. “

When LED army march forth to break into the field of lighting, whether the pattern of the entire lighting industry will occur fission? Mao, general manager of global illumination Lizhi Peng, led yard lighting, the former three male Aurora installed products project director of that: “the traditional lighting companies, the LED only be regarded as the light source to bring a product extension of the nature of innovation, but does bring a lot of innovation in the lighting design concept bright spot “in his view, Mitsuo Aurora, NVC and Op traditional lighting companies The technology is not necessarily the biggest obstacle, because these enterprises are market research, product analysis and technical study has some precipitation. The traditional lighting companies short-term force is not necessarily a technical problem, led yard lighting, the key is to cut time to market; pattern will certainly change, but more enterprises had accumulated basis and post-operation of the market to depend on.

Senior industry marketing people, Chen Wei, said: “LED will change the existing pattern of the lighting industry, led yard lighting, faced with breakthrough innovations to the traditional lighting companies in the new situation.

The landscape of second and third tier urban city lighting and led yard lighting

Landscape lighting is a reflection of the shape scenic beauty and scenic culture. Image display of the scenic spots at night has also become an important deployment of the Tourist Board There is no doubt that night Image less decoration of lights, then it has nothing to do with the word “beauty”, led yard lighting, so it seems, the future of landscape lighting is still very worth the wait. Currently, local governments will accelerate the construction of the city’s scenic and tourism to promote local economic development to enhance the image of the city at night has been included in the government work plan. At the same time, landscape lighting standards have been put forward, led yard lighting,  it is even more to promote the development of the landscape lighting industry in China.

In this fully into the era of the “visual impact”, some second and third tier cities in the same pace with the progress of the times. Landscape lighting upgrade of the visual arts not only enhance the scenic image, and also make life in this scenic area around the people feel more beautiful at night, led high bay, more pride, but also bring economic benefits for the development of the city. Tourism to the development of third-tier cities to promote discounted, led yard lighting, the role of local government and the Tourism Bureau will naturally think of it, so the development of tourism will be the strong support of the local government.Second, three of the city’s tourism industry more and more the attention of the Tourism Bureau and local government, which will also become the subject of landscape lighting continuation of the.

In fact, many second and third tier cities with highly developed tourism value, these second and third tier cities to the outside world to promote the primary chips is to strengthen the construction of the scenic night view. How do we make these scenic spots during the day and naturally beautiful, led yard lighting, beautiful scenery, the night was still able to magnificent, filled with another round of charm and vitality, which requires us to develop a strong night lighting. Lighting designers are constantly studying the symbiotic relationship of light and art, emphasis according to the different cases, precise control of light, distinguish, then, the light includes not only the lighting needs, led yard lighting, and also includes a visual arts component, which is “light environment. ” LED light source can be “light environment” reflected the best and most embodies the scenic features and cultural lighting at night can be said that the non-LED light source is none than other’s.

Listed speed packaging companies of led yard lighting will be eliminated

Listed speed packaging companies of led yard lighting will be eliminated

Although the Development and Reform Commission has officially released the “China to phase out incandescent route map, and will be from October 1, 2012, prohibit the sale and import of 100 watts and above the general lighting incandescent, but this does not mean that last year, led high bay once by the LED will benefit from the favorable capital markets.

The high cost of the popularity of urban and rural temporarily reality

“At present, out of incandescent but also fail to LEDs, the LED current costs are still relatively high. Xuhuai, the Secretary-General of the China Illuminating Engineering Society,” China to phase out incandescent road map “after the release, led yard lighting immediately triggered the LED stock rose, I think it is not very rational.
Xuhuai is made as stated above in the press conference held in Beijing on February 8 “TM – Come out incandescent”.

By the end of 2010, the penetration of efficient lighting products in China has reached 80% penetration rate of energy-saving lamps in 2010 than in 2009, an increase of four percentage points. In contrast, the popularity of the city work better, the China market, there are approximately 1.3 billion incandescent, of which about 10 million in rural areas.”

Incandescent lamps with the exception of a few hotels, most rural families to allow them to dozens of dollars LED replacement a few dollars incandescent, I am afraid there is no financial subsidies is impossible. “Xuhuai.

According to Philips (China) Investment Co., International Liaison Director of Ye Ming, China’s LED market applications is undeniable that already lead the world, is the fastest growing countries. Based on this, he believes that “as an explosive development of the industry, the LED will eventually replace other light.”

However, some analysts pointed out that China’s achievements in the application on the market mainly due to the “10 City, 10000” program. “Ten City, 10000” pilot urban research statistics, led yard lighting the 37 pilot cities have implemented a demonstration project of more than 2000 applications, LED lamps more than 4.2 million.

In this regard, China Illuminating Engineering Society Deputy Secretary General Liu Shiping said: “80% of the continent the street is a high-pressure sodium lamps, the luminous efficiency of 120 lumen s / watt, itself a high luminous efficiency, the development of more mature and LED trying to replace high pressure sodium, to his demanding led yard lighting LED experiment life of 20,000-30,000 hours, a single sodium lamp life of 12,000 hours is sure to ensure. ”

According to Liu Shiping, a 400W high pressure sodium lamp, and even the power is not more than 1000 yuan, but an alternative to 400W high pressure sodium lamp LED 5000-8000 yuan, or even close to ten thousand yuan. “This money, whether government or enterprises to pay the costs are too high. Developed areas able to absorb the cost of okay, led yard lighting but in less developed regions, first from the street lamps began to apply, but affect their future marketing.”

Several solutions for led yard lighting to survive


Several solutions for led yard lighting to survive


to strengthen the development of new products. The trade surplus caused by falling prices, is bound to further enhance the existing market penetration, also gave birth to a new market. Some because the price is the problem before acceptance of the led yard lighting market is also likely to enter the main lanes of led high bay applications, the birth of new market opportunities.


Increase marketing efforts. Local led yard lighting company’s light market of the majority of re-sales, with annual sales of more than several hundred million yuan, but the thinking is also parked in the direction of bringing more business and more orders. A required course for market research, market planning, brand image management, public relations management, enterprise, also outside observers, even a dedicated marketing department savings out. Modern market competition, is a comprehensive three-dimensional competition, which requires both the sales department to promote, but also the marketing department to play a more important role. Advertising investment, for example, usually appears to be an obvious “burn”, but the purpose of this behavior is to pass out this information: “Our product is high quality, you will certainly continue to buy our products. so we can afford to pay high advertising costs, quality products because consumers will repeat purchase, so the quality of the vendor is willing and able to assume such a high advertising costs, poor quality products do not want to bear the high advertising costs, because consumers of inferior products will not repeat the purchase. The main advertising can be a leading enterprise in the industry, you can also trade associations.

Mali coup soldiers thwarted by the led yard lighting Chinese bar

Mali coup soldiers thwarted by the led yard lighting Chinese bar

The West African country of Mali capital, Bamako, 21 military coup, the coup soldiers in succession occupied  led yard lighting the state television and the presidential palace, and announced that the regime of President Amadou Toumani Toure has been the end of the state power to the elected government. Chinese Embassy in Mali confirmed, there are three local Chinese-run bar has been to grab smashing the military coup, there were no casualties.
Occupied the TV station off the air show
21 pm, Bamako, most of the city continuing to the end of five hours of power outage, the center of the national television of Mali near the building came the intensive gunfire.Witnesses said dozens of soldiers to take the light passenger and cargo truck to occupy this area, firing at random in the street, people fled in all directions.
GMT 16:30 (Beijing time at 0:30 on the 22nd) about the coup soldiers occupied the state television building in the building opened fire to disperse the staff.
Reuters reporters said automatic weapon led yard lighting gunfire continued for 10 minutes, the national television and national radio programs stop the broadcast.
Some young people in the building near the watch, some of whom cheered and lit the car tires. The workers have to go home to avoid rare, and the streets deserted. After dark, the urban areas there are still gunshots came.
Invaded the presidential palace unseated President
After the coup soldiers occupied the television, President Toure has issued a statement on Twitter to deny the Mali military coup took place. Toure convened an emergency meeting at the presidential palace. Presidential Guard, the elite paratroopers “red berets” composition, loyal to the military origin of Toure.
22 morning, the military coup to the Office of the President a power offensive. Agence France-Presse reported that the “red berets” was fighting with the coup soldiers, but failed to  led high bay block the offensive. Agence France-Presse quoted a soldier as saying the military coup occupied the presidential palace after the seizure of a number of cabinet ministers, including Foreign Minister Maiga and Minister of the Interior Division.
President Amadou Toumani Toure missing. Agence France-Presse quoted a source, then the report, Toure has been successfully fled the presidential palace.
Toure scheduled to step down after the presidential election held on April. In 1991, when the Ren Junguan Dole led the coup, overthrown president Traore handed over power to a democratically elected government. The Toure successful run for president in 2002, win the election again in 2007 after the re-election.
Announced a curfew in the country
Greenwich time at 4:45 on the 22nd (12:45 GMT), the national television screen by several hours of music programs to switch to the scene about 20 soldiers. After several live audio fault debugging a named Konare, the soldiers began to read the statement.
The Konare claiming to be newly established institutions, “Mali to restore the democratic committee,” the spokesman, announced that the agency “decided to perform their duties, the end of the (President) Dole incompetent regime.
Konare said, the military decided that the national security control in their own hands on the grounds that “Government can not afford to defend the country’s territorial integrity necessary equipment led yard lighting  to the armed forces.
The statement announced the suspension of the existing constitution of Mali, the dissolution of the government agencies, “solemn commitment” that “once the restoration of unity in the country, to ensure the territorial integrity, and will return power to the democratically elected president”. The statement announced that the Government is expected to resume work on March 27, when not yet reached the officials will be deemed a waiver of the post.

How to promote an aging test for led yard lighting

How to promote an aging test for led yard lightingAging is an important guarantee of the reliability of electronic products, is a production of the last essential step. LED products can enhance the performance of aging and contribute to the late stage of the performance and stability. Led yard lighting aging test in product quality control is a very important part, but often neglected in many cases, can not be correct and effective aging. Led yard lighting aging test is based on the product failure rate curve of the bathtub curve characteristics and countermeasures taken, in order to improve the reliability of the product, but this method is not necessary, after all, the aging test at the expense of the life of a single LED products for the price.


Led high bay lights’ aging test, including the constant current aging and constant aging. The constant current source is the current constant at any time. Frequency problem, it is not constant current. It is AC or pulsating current. AC or pulse current source can be designed to be valid value is constant, but this power can not be called “constant current source. Constant current aging is most consistent with the operating characteristics of the LED current is the most scientific of the LED aging; overcurrent impact of aging is also factory using the latest means of an aging through the use of adjustable frequency, current adjustable constant current source such aging in a short period of time in order to judge the quality of the LED life expectancy, and can pick out a lot of conventional aging can not be singled out hidden led yard lighting.

Removal of the multi-functional fruit-shaped LED yard lighting

Removal of the multi-functional fruit-shaped LED yard lighting







Read this interesting and versatile LED lamps are not feeling very special, this is led yard lighting thehome of the LED lighting introduced this concept of lighting design, like a ripe fruitswaiting for you to touch it, to pickit.
Remove the light from the curved fishing shelves, led yard lighting, continuous light for several hours,convenient to carry into the various places as a portable LED light source, led yard lighting, built-in LEDlight fever, so you will not worry about the hot, nor worry about the home, a sudden power outage, the super-technological sense and is very cute and cozy.
We work to live a better life, to see more beautiful scenery, led yard lighting, and a loved one not to worry about for food and clothing, consumption and reward the next, led high bay, eating delicious food beautiful clothes can be strange. their daily time in the dressing, eating fast food, led yard lighting, crowded subway, facing the screen tears, sleepy dozing, rough repeat procedures, and even no time and a loved one lying in bed watching a complete the film, shot a group photo.

Money, we say that the money we on the road. The money we said, time on the road.Wealthy time, we said, does not fit the current job, family, fear of unemployment, fear ofalienating, afraid of the difficult time of the Return to the Garden. No money, no time, led yard lighting, we complain. Cycle into one can not read their own people.
Achieve, can be used to it customers fake laugh, bent over the boss, write the copy ofcustomer needs, commercial photo shoot in customer preferences, our sketchbooksdrop the gray, favorite books to buy for a few months too late to look at. We buy booksjust to prove that there is a reading desire always wanted to one day have to idle, led yard lighting, tighten the bright desk lamp, brew a cup of tea, sun sun sun, sitting under a tree, shed a tear fora sentence on page .

Spring for led yard lighting


Spring for led yard lighting


While led yard lighting industry to usher in the spring tide like the rapid development of, a lot of controversy on its overheated investment emerged. Some even thought that in the domestic market has not really started, the fanaticism development will overextend the future production capacity and market. Is the prospect of unlimited or difficult, the led yard lighting industry in China is exactly What are the opportunities and challenges.


LED lighting industry overheated investment


Currently, China has semiconductor led yard lighting included in the medium-and long-term technology development plan, has now formed a production of epitaxial wafers, chip preparation, packaging integrated industrial chain of LED applications. Good policy, the domestic LED industry, the rapid development of a potential blowout.


Nanchang University Vice President Feng-Yi Jiang, since last year, the led yard lighting industry began to trot to the development of the situation from upstream to downstream, in the first half of the year blowout state. According to statistics, in 2009, China’s led high bay industry, the upstream firm has nearly 60, the middle reaches of the device packaging companies have more than 1,000, more than 2,000 enterprises of downstream applications, employed more than 80 million people. Middle and lower reaches of the semiconductor lighting industry output value of 82.7 billion yuan in 2009.


Spring frenzy of investment in LED lighting industry exposure defects


The report shows that now, led yard lighting has gone beyond the backlight LED market, the fastest growing application market. By 2015, the LED output value of penetration in the domestic lighting market will reach 1/4.