LED household lighting: overcapacity of 35% in 2011


LED household lighting: overcapacity of 35% in 2011


Dynamic of Korean companies need to pay more attention to the example of Seoul Semiconductor gradually to reach a cross-licensing with international five LED Factory, Samsung Electronics Samsung LED integrated into, in addition to technically can be closely integrated with the semiconductor sector, own production of LED household lighting supply to improve the phone backlight and the proportion of the TV backlight more within the Samsung Group, with the global deployment of marketing channels within the group, the development of lighting brand is a strong opponent of all LED household lighting manufacturers, but to increase the technical content of patent threshold only opportunity to survive in this knockout. Looking forward to the market demand, the 2011 global LED-backlit LCD TV (LEDTV) shipments obviously not as good as expected, the total LCD TV shipments is raised to 203 million units from 220 million audience, but with the major events of the London Olympics in 2012, and TV brand vendors want to launch low-cost LED backlit TV to stimulate demand, expected sales of LCD TVs is expected to increase in the number of emerging markets.


The LED lighting market, although the largest proportion of European and American markets in the commercial lighting market in the European credit crisis, the European market growth momentum has been relatively slow, but the project from the public sector or the plant has signs of growth. Especially the United States, the Australian market to LED high bay lighting, architectural lighting project number and size of continuous upgrading, LED street plan and project of the eastern United States showed growth, and Australia also have lights tenders released by the power plant is gradually taking shape. . In addition to project-oriented field of higher margin products, LED household lighting development, LED Bulb market or the Japanese market progress faster. As for the professional lighting, plants and agricultural lighting (including UV-curing), freezer lighting, etc., will be more and more attention by the industry.

Seek long-term development of LED household lighting under the disorderly competition


Seek long-term development of LED household lighting under the disorderly competition



Response to the “patent war”. 2010 there will be some of the important field of white LED patent expires, other words, LED industry in recent years into a frequent patent litigation battle. According to incomplete statistics, the global LED household lighting application 124,000, which the United States, 20000 China, 25000, 49000 Japan accounted for. The key is the 25000 LED patent in China, mostly concentrated in the middle and lower reaches of the whole industrial chain, mostly design, utility model patents, invention patent very little. All have some peripheral patent in the upstream industry chain, but the core patents master degree.




Balance productivity growth and market demand. According to incomplete statistics, in 2010 only listed company in the investment in the field of LED over 30 billion yuan, 20 billion yuan of three safety photoelectric BDO Runda 4 billion yuan. LED industry investment in 2010, about 37% to invest in the upstream chip areas, 52% to invest in downstream applications, signs of overcapacity initially appeared. 1 July 2011, China MOCVD equipment increased by more than 200 units, is expected in 2012, China LED household lighting chip production capacity is 10 times that of 2010. MOCVD equipment in China more than 500 units, count 96 projects under construction, the total number of over 1600. According to statistics, the sapphire substrate manufacturing enterprises 41, planning a total investment of 44.7 billion yuan, including the planning of projects under construction amounted to 12.08 billion yuan in the projects under construction production capacity of 101 million / year. However, due to the global economic situation is not optimistic, the LED high bay chip demand declining. How to expand the LED general lighting market, and how the government should support the market, how to cultivate, all we need to solve.

The first LED household lighting application in nylon thermal conductivity materials


The first LED household lighting application in nylon thermal conductivity materials


Lamp cooling system has been to the aluminum as a material. Because the thermal conductivity is very small, the plastic can not meet the cooling requirements, it is not used in the field of LED household lighting heat dissipation.

Currently, the DSM has introduced a new conductive plastic on the basis of maintaining the advantages of plastic materials in general, increasing the thermal conductivity, so that the thermal conductivity of 10-50 times the plastic.


Under the joint efforts of Philips and DSM, the Philips MASTER LED MR16 new lighting has become the world’s first high-power LED household lighting applications in nylon thermal conductivity materials, the aluminum casing is replaced by a thermal conductivity of plastic Stanyl TC.


Stanyl also has to improve design flexibility, durability, and reduce the advantages of the product weight. In the future, sustainable solutions will be applied to Philips’ new LED lamp series.


Philips MASTER LED MR16 is a 4 watt LED high bay lamps, can replace the currently popular low voltage halogen lamps. Its light output with 20 watts of halogen MR16 lamps, therefore, it is the most important advantage is that you can save up to 80% energy and 40 times longer life than halogen lamps.


Metallic materials as the cooling system technology is relatively mature, but there are still some inadequacies in the plastic thermal conductivity material relative metal, there are many advantages, such as light weight, more environmentally friendly and safety, improve the design freedom, processing efficiency , boot the system to simplify.

Prices of LED household lighting products drops tremendously


Prices of LED household lighting products drops tremendously


Market participants said the 2011 lighting industry, the initial downturn, the market generally reflects not the busy season, the off-season is more light out of a tortuous line, Guzhen LED household lighting price index in the busy atmosphere, but overall, still better than 2010, the annual lighting wholesale price index rose 19 percent.


Outdoor lighting series from the index, the index fluctuations in the past six months this year, the start is still unstable in the first week was 91.8, the third week fell to 81.1, the current rose to 88.4, or 5.62 percent, or where several indicators the. The light source index of the past six months the overall rise, but more volatile after the start of the year, this year the second week index was 115.7, but the second and third weeks lost more than 10 points.


In addition to price instability in the price index reflects the number of lighting products since the beginning of this year, according to customs statistics on lighting exports can be found in the export of such products subsequent fatigue. According to statistics, 2011 Zhongshan lamps, lighting fixtures and similar products exported $ 870 million, down 0.6 percent; in January of this year, LED high bay lamps, lighting fixtures and similar products exported $ 070 million, up sharply down 24.1%.


To industry analysts, the 2012 LED household lighting industry will be faced with the raw materials, high internal and external demand slowdown, industry competition and pressure, 2012 Guzhen Lighting price index will continue to show the ups and downs of prices of the traditional peak seasons for white, full-year trend steadily, but the rate slowed down slightly in 2011.

The property market downturn bring disaster to the LED household lighting industry


The property market downturn bring disaster to the LED household lighting industry


Summary 2011 can be seen LED household lighting market, raw material prices, labor costs, rising logistics costs plagued the development of enterprises. According to company projections, production costs directly to an increase of 20% to 30%. A greater pressure from the real estate policy control to deepen the weak growth in demand for lighting products terminal.


“Before into the wholesalers to the store will take the initiative to ask what the latest styles, met the Italian style, how much will the next single point but in the second half of last year, a lot of wholesalers into the store, Look East, West look at is less than one. “Liu told reporters in Guzhen Lighting Street operates a store, her customers are mainly from the Northeast, but most come to see prices, the housing market downturn, these wholesalers do anything, do not want to be too much money on the pressure in the purchase price.


With the continuing escalation of the consumption structure, people are starting to focus on the decoration of the home lighting needs of residents living in the coming period will continue to maintain a strong momentum in the domestic market demand of the LED household lighting industry within the next few years should not be any major fluctuations, especially the interior lighting industry will maintain the momentum of sustained growth, the more high-end home decoration, the greater the need for the aesthetic design of the LED high bay lamp to be against the background in order to show the design development of the real estate industry will affect the home improvement lighting market an important factor.


Competition in the local LED household lighting companies in Japan


Competition in the local LED household lighting companies in Japan


At the same time, another local brands Toshiba are also stepping up the penetration of the Japanese LED household lighting market. Toshiba Director and Chief Minister Sato Koji, LED Division, 2011 Toshiba LED bulbs single month sales from 2.8 million in June, a substantial growth to 4.8 million in sales in December, the annual growth rate of over 300%. In early February this year, Toshiba launched two LED bulbs, which are priced at ¥ 5,670 (converted to RMB 442 yuan), the two products sales target is 240,000 per year.


“Japanese lighting the traditional pipeline is difficult to go through S and P LED lighting products through a Japanese agent, to the traditional Japanese pipe Distribution Panggui Wei said. The company’s future will also be considered for the Japanese domestic lighting brand OEM to expand the Japanese market sales.


Xiao Ling, general manager of Shenzhen – for Industrial Company said China LED household lighting manufacturer to enter the Japanese market, in fact, faced with various kinds of pressure. Has been focused on Xiao Ling have a unique insight on the Japanese market in the Japanese lighting market, she thinks, how to do a good job for the Japanese market demand for several products, find the right entry point, the most effective way is the Chinese manufacturers to enter the Japanese market .


Japan and Korea region is an important market for LED high bay lighting, LED bulb series. LED lighting products made ​​in China to attack the most important weapon in the Japanese market prices, rather than technical. Today, many Chinese enterprises have cooperation with Japanese and Korean manufacturers, you can use the technology of Japan and South Korea to play China’s manufacturing cost advantage for the LED lighting industry is a very meaningful things. According to the survey data show that of the of LED inside global LED lighting market to replace the traditional lighting of 40W and 60W LED bulbs are in the worldwide price decline. With the deepening of the cooperation of Chinese enterprises and international companies, it is expected that the LED lighting market price will be a downward trend.

LED household lighting market calls for the LED light engine

LED lighting design variety prevails, the inconvenience to the production, use, and industrial management, in particular the transition from traditional lighting plant to the LED lighting plant, or just entering the initial of the LED household lighting industry, will feel overwhelmed, where to start as well? Just enter the LED lighting industry, in order to reduce the risk and cost, often only to buy off-the-shelf LED lights source lamp board, AC / DC constant current drive power, aluminum or ceramic such as the radiator assembly. Traditional lighting plant owners as effort as well buy a light bulb, buy a ready-made “LED Street light + AC / DC constant current drive power” module into its traditional lamp housing can be magnificent turn as a the new LED lighting.

LED household lighting market calls for the LED light engine


The rapid development of LED lighting, a mighty force competing to join the new company was born in the world almost every day, especially the interior lighting of the mass market, forcing traditional lighting companies to tap into joining. LED household lighting is an electronic product, it requires not only such traditional lamps that structure, the shell must also be given a variety of string, and parallel matrix LED light source lamp board, AC / DC constant current drive power, aluminum or ceramic, etc. heat , led high bay lighting market calls for the LED light engine lighting manufacturers need to employ electronic, optical, structural design engineer; traditional lighting is only one electrical products, traditional lighting manufacturers design, structural modeling of the production of lamps, the light source —- bulb bought to the professional factory plug will be able to use universal.


Analysis of the trend of LED household lighting industry in 2012


Analysis of the trend of LED household lighting industry in 2012


Under the current complicated international and domestic environment, the individual in 2012 in mainland China LED industry to do some simple analysis, do not want to be Paizhuan like:


1, it was said in 2011 China’s LED market in the first year, I personally think that this view is very accurate, can be seen from the mainland China LED household lighting industry in 2011 on the development of the middle and lower reaches of the customer’s situation in 2011 is the development of China’s LED industry difficult year, so what is meant by the first year? Personally think that 2012 will it be possible in the first year of the Chinese LED market;


2,2012-year trend of China’s LED household lighting industry is Xianyihouyang of a pattern, because the double impact of the international and domestic factors: the international factor is the debt crisis in Europe and America overseas decline in demand; domestic factor is the state standard the formulation and implementation of the policy of terminal subsidies and honor.


3,2012 in mainland China LED household lighting industry reshuffle will continue to continuation of cruel cruel sad reminder, but yet the reality there is! Shuffle, you can let the LED practitioners real clear to judge the difference between investment and speculation, and also make you more sober look at the current status and future of the led high bay lighting industry. Therefore shuffle is about the business of life and death, it seems very cruel, but personally think that for the healthy development of the LED industry, the future is absolutely nothing to harm things.


China will implement the subsidy policy for LED household lighting


China will implement the subsidy policy for LED household lighting


The advantages of LED household lighting products, green energy, such as state support for the LED industry, but more and more to force the Chinese Ministry of Finance for the first time LED product promotion subsidy policy has been announced to take the form of “indirect subsidies” by the Chinese financial subsidies to bidder enterprises, the enterprises of the bidder according to get the standard protocol supplier price minus the price of sales of financial subsidies to the ultimate beneficiary of the end user. According to informed sources, the interior lighting in the subsidy policy to occupy a larger proportion of the hundreds of millions of yuan scale.


The tender tender for Qualifications has expressly provided, the bidder must be legally registered within the territory of the People’s Republic of China tender product manufacturers, LED tunnel light years capacity of not less than 30000, led high bay light, PAR series LED lights with an annual capacity of not less than 200,000. In addition, the quality of products put forward specific requirements in order to reduce the qualifications of the vendor’s bid non-compliant.

For the subsidy policy, the photoelectric Association (PIDA), Taiwan’s LED household lighting industry, regardless of the grain of the upstream or downstream of the packaging, the cost of LEDs with a considerable degree of competitive advantage, coupled with many owners or has been advanced to invest and set up, or take the strategic mode of operation with local industry alliance, I believe this wave of subsidy case, there will be a real help the Taiwan LED companies.

The development of LED household lighting power suppliers


The development of LED household lighting power suppliers


With the rapid infiltration of the field of LED household lighting, LED market conditions are very clear, low LED market review in 2011, obviously a lot of people about to go into hibernation for the LED market is expected to errors, with the new year national increase support and promotion of the LED industry, the development of the LED is in a period of rapid development.


The global LED lighting power supply market is about the influx of $ 10 billion in business opportunities. Market institutions IMS research report, regulations and electricity are steadily rising drive the LED lighting market is the rapid rise is expected to drive sales of power supply to reach four billion units by 2016, with a total of up to 100 billion U.S. dollars.


IMS senior market analyst Ryan Sanderson replace residential use from low-power LEDs light source and light bulbs, application requirements, a variety of LED lighting solutions to commercial and industrial use of high power LED full set of lighting such as street lights are rapid increase in led high bay lighting.


The beginning of the development of the LED light source and lighting market, manufacturers face challenges in power electronics technical expertise, and thus open the doors of opportunity for power supply manufacturers. Sanderson pointed out that the new LED lighting power requirements, depending on the design factor of the power ratings, the LED or the number of LED string lights and use environment. These design requirements, plus LED lighting is currently no clear standards, LED household lighting manufacturers need to hire professionals or power supply manufacturers, to strengthen the power electronics professional and technical.